A Question for German-Speakers.
«im a german 100% speaker Guest»
Even if you were German I don't think you would say 100% speaker but a 100% German speaker.
I also believe you are joking and I still don't believe frauguten means 'Invader' Can't you check that "Ich", bitte?
Ah, Jo is in da house again!
I'm sorry, I can't help you out! This word doesn't exist in German - I even checked it at Google! I can't think of a single word that is similar to "Frauguten", except for "Fregatte" maybe (= fregate) but this doesn't make any sense. At least I know that it doesn't mean "invaders" which is "Invasoren/Eindringlinge" in German.
I assume that he either misunderstood it or misspelled it or maybe
both...?! But it would be helpful to know anything about the context.
So, Presley, where art thou?
Yes, Presley, where art thou?
When are you having dinner again with Granny and her beloved husband?
PLease ask him to write the word down just before Granny takes her shoe off.
LOL !!!
I think he must ask his friend, who must ask his grand-father what means this word !!
Here's how the conversation went:
Grandpa: "Oh, they don't have (the word that I'm trying to figure out) in English."
Grandma:"Oh, STOP!!" (hits Grandpa).
Grandpa: "Oh, whoops. I meant 'Frau Guten'. It means 'hostess' in English."
Grandma: "Oh, ja, ja, ja. Like 'good woman'. Ja".
So, what I think is that they covered up what they were trying to say with "Frau guten". Are there any naughty words that somehow remotely sound like it?