I just came across this word in a Higher English book. I just find it quite interesting because it relates to something that was discussed in the Forum earlier.
Whether: 'some thing' is different from 'something'.
I believe in German, they string words together to make new words.
I suppose 'to gether' is an example.
Does 'to gether' mean anything different from 'together'. Well, it does in that 'gether' is not a word, but 'gather' is.
In Scotland you will sometimes here people using the word 'couth', sometimes 'couthy'. Whereas in England, you will only hear, or seen it written as part of a more complex word 'uncouth'.
adj. couth
Refined, suave or cultured.
Etymology: Middle English `couth' - familiar or known
Thi leids o Scotland an England ar closely intertwinit, but at thi same time, thae retain clear linguistic divisions in mony features, an linguists sic like Aitken, (1971, 1973, 1979), Macaulay (1977, 1991), an McClure (1980, 1983), hae makkit an extensive catalogue o thi numerous differences an similarities atween Modren Scots an English. Ane o thi main systemic differentiations exists in thi modal verb system, an althouch thi Scots modal verb system is identical in form tae its Standard English coonterpairt, thare ar subtle differences in function an in thi semantic range ilka modal verb covers.
Whether: 'some thing' is different from 'something'.
I believe in German, they string words together to make new words.
I suppose 'to gether' is an example.
Does 'to gether' mean anything different from 'together'. Well, it does in that 'gether' is not a word, but 'gather' is.
In Scotland you will sometimes here people using the word 'couth', sometimes 'couthy'. Whereas in England, you will only hear, or seen it written as part of a more complex word 'uncouth'.
adj. couth
Refined, suave or cultured.
Etymology: Middle English `couth' - familiar or known
Thi leids o Scotland an England ar closely intertwinit, but at thi same time, thae retain clear linguistic divisions in mony features, an linguists sic like Aitken, (1971, 1973, 1979), Macaulay (1977, 1991), an McClure (1980, 1983), hae makkit an extensive catalogue o thi numerous differences an similarities atween Modren Scots an English. Ane o thi main systemic differentiations exists in thi modal verb system, an althouch thi Scots modal verb system is identical in form tae its Standard English coonterpairt, thare ar subtle differences in function an in thi semantic range ilka modal verb covers.