How do you pronounce ''milk''? I'm from somewhere near the Alabama-Mississippi border and I pronounce it ''mulk'' /mVlk/.
I myself normally pronounce it /mIlk/ -> [mI5k], which does seem to be the most common pronunciation in the Milwaukee area, although one can nonetheless hear people say /mElk/ -> [mE5k] at times, from people such as my mother, who for the record is from the Kenosha area.
I pronounce it [mIlk]. I don't think I've heard anyone pronounce it differently here in New England.
<<I pronounce it [mIlk]. I don't think I've heard anyone pronounce it differently here in New England.>>
Interesting! The pronounciations [mVlk] ''mulk'' and [mIlk] coexist in my area.
Interesting! The pronounciations [mVlk] ''mulk'' and [mIlk] coexist in my area.
I say "milk", exactly as spelled. I've never personally heard "melk" or "mulk".
I pronounce it ''milk'' /mIlk/. It's predominantly pronounced as it's spelled here in Florida.
"Mulk" is not a pronunciation heard here, while "melk" and "milk" are somewhat interchangeable. I believe "melk" is more common here, even if most people don't realize they say it.