RONNY   Mon Nov 06, 2006 4:02 am GMT
i,ve see writen romanian in this forum, and i think it looks ugly. too many symbols, makes it look really messy i guess.

I hate spam ok!
Johnaeus   Mon Nov 06, 2006 5:33 am GMT
You've seen written romanian in this forum. OK.

In my opinion it is one of the most logic languages: you read what you write and vice-versa.

Why double letters and write letters that you don't pronounce. A waste of time.

The alphabet is latin and it does not have any symbols (only accents). Better put an accent than 3 letters...

João   Mon Nov 06, 2006 12:02 pm GMT
A question to native romanian speakers.

How far did slavic and other bordering countries influenced romanian? Being portuguese I can read and understand most of your words but sometimes it's really hard to understand the whole meaning even if I ascend to direct latin translation.
Ion   Mon Nov 06, 2006 9:05 pm GMT
Joao, slavic influenced Romanian only at nouns level...One of the few verbs coming from Slavic is: a iubi - to love..So, if You don't understand the sentence, it very much be because of these nouns altough they usualy have a latin corespondent as well...
Martins   Tue Nov 07, 2006 1:01 am GMT
the definite articles come after the noun istead of coming before the noun which is confusing.
It sounds very slavic too!

Baftă şi pănă atunci şi să vă ajute cele ce urmează. Carpatair este o firmă cu sediul în Timişoara und avioanele au şi escală ca placa turnantă a pasagerilor. Personal am avut aproape doar experienţe bune atât ca pasager dar şi ca colaborare. Lucrează în special pe trafic uman internaţional iar drept urmare avem multe aeropoarte internaţionale în ţară care s-au dezvoltat şi se dezvoltă în continuare de când există această linie. Accesaţi pagina web (google.ro - căutare - carpatair) şi trimiteţi un e-mail. Iar paralel cu refacerea economie, s-au dezvoltat şi relaţiile cu celălalte linii aeriene externe, sfatul meu ar fi o vizită la Otopeni, Băneasa şi contactarea directă a liniilor aeriene reprezentante. Administraia celor doua aeroporturi este foarte conservatoare, nu mi-au raspuns apelurilor e-mail nici până azi. aeroporturi-linii aeriene-trafic de persoane şi de mărfuri - toate pot fi aflate prin net cu ajutorul google.ro şi vă doresc baftă în a găsi la contact oameni nu doar competenţi dar şi (
Martins   Tue Nov 07, 2006 1:06 am GMT
Romanian is an eastern romance language, meaning Slavic-Romance.
Romanians don't like their language and they keep changing it.
Martins   Tue Nov 07, 2006 1:09 am GMT
romanian is also sorrounded by slavic nations. I wouldn'nt consider romanian a romance language, is mostly artificial to me, a protest by the people to make the government make romanina more latin
Ion   Tue Nov 07, 2006 2:41 am GMT
Who cares if you consider or not Romanian as a Latin language, Martins? Who give a penny on your opinion on this matter?
The bad thing is that such statements reveal a generally poor knowledge! To say things like that, it is not in your advantage at all!

I do wonder though how so many people have the courage to open the mouth and say all kind of naiveties on forums...It is really sad to notice how narrow the people's general knowledge is!

For the contestants of Romanian as a Latin language I have only these to say:

What would be wrong to speak a Slavic language if this was the case with Romanian? Why should Romanian people insist to say that their language is Latin, if this was Slavic? What would be the reason for that?

Is anybody here insinuating that Latin is superior to Slavic? If so, you must be kidding! There is nothing wrong with Slavic language and if Romanian had been one of it, let it be, and learn it as such if you succed!

The superior language for a human being is the language he knows the best. What is English , for example, worth if an Englishman gets lost in the Amazon jungle? Do the Amazonian tribe men understand any English? To save himself he rather knew the tribe's dialect...

The truth is that Romanian is not a Slavic, and who ever wants to learn it right, then he/she has to accept the evidences...

These bla, bla, bla what everybody says about a language or the other deosn’t differ from the soccer fans absurd and low value commentaries...This forum is abused by all kind of novice individuals; I thought it was more serious! I’m disappointed! Bye!
Johnaeus   Tue Nov 07, 2006 2:53 am GMT

"i" is ALWAYS pronounced in romanian no matter its position. ALL the final "i" are pronounced (even in ciuperci=chew-perchi, etc.). I am talking about the literar language. There could be regions in Romania where the people pronounce differently.
Johnaeus   Tue Nov 07, 2006 2:54 am GMT

"i" is ALWAYS pronounced in romanian no matter its position. ALL the final "i" are pronounced (even in ciuperci=chew-perchi, etc.). I am talking about the literar language. There could be regions in Romania where the people pronounce differently.
Gabriel   Tue Nov 07, 2006 2:16 pm GMT
Brennus, I'm afraid that the way you English speakers pronounce consonants makes you believe that Rmanians are not pronouncing "i" at the end... For flori, ciuperci, meri, peri, etc there is always an "i" to be heard. Ciuperci without i, would sound ciuperk, in Romanian.. try to pronounce ciuperk, flor, per, mer and compare these sounds with ciuperci,flori, meri, peri etc You will see the difference!
Darek   Wed Nov 08, 2006 12:27 am GMT
I am very intrigued by some posts on this forum insinuating the inferiority of Slavic languages. The main subject gravitates around the Romanian language, where some disturbed Latinos continuously denigrate the Romanian language by insinuating the inferiority of its Slavic influence. I am Polish and therefore I speak a Slavic language, my main concern is the attitude and the ignorance toward the Slavic languages.

“Ion Tue Nov 07, 2006 2:41 am GMT
Is anybody here insinuating that Latin is superior to Slavic? If so, you must be kidding! There is nothing wrong with Slavic language"

I kindly suggest you and to the moderator of this forum to stop tolerating idiotic, linguistic bashing, and other imbecilic comments about any language. The end of the day the webmasters and the creators of this forum are Polish and therefore Slavic. This imbecilic attitude of bashing other languages can not be tolerated.

All such topics are foolish provocations and not intellectual debates. The Romance speaker’s contribution to this forum is mainly IMBECILIC SPAM and LINGUISTIC BASHING. SHAME ON YOU! As a conclusion, your "ROMANCE" education must be very precarious, and you just tagged yourselves as professional idiots.

Notice to moderator: please allow this topic to be read
Darek   Wed Nov 08, 2006 12:50 am GMT
Dear "?" The correct form is : "Taisez-vous" with just one s not double s.
a.p.a.m.   Wed Nov 08, 2006 9:55 pm GMT
Darek is also known as Sorin. Yes indeed. Sorin the chav.
greg   Wed Nov 08, 2006 10:05 pm GMT
La langue polonaise s'est très tôt détachée des langues slaves de l'Est, ce qui fait qu'elle conserve les voyelles nasales...