Darek   Wed Nov 08, 2006 12:21 am GMT
I am very intrigued by some posts on this forum insinuating the inferiority of Slavic languages. The main subject gravitates around the Romanian language, where some disturbed Latinos continuously denigrate the Romanian language by insinuating the inferiority of its Slavic influence. I am Polish and therefore I speak a Slavic language, my main concern is the attitude and the ignorance toward the Slavic languages.

“Ion Tue Nov 07, 2006 2:41 am GMT
Is anybody here insinuating that Latin is superior to Slavic? If so, you must be kidding! There is nothing wrong with Slavic language"

I kindly suggest you and to the moderator of this forum to stop tolerating idiotic, linguistic bashing, and other imbecilic comments about any language. The end of the day the webmasters and the creators of this forum are Polish and therefore Slavic. This imbecilic attitude of bashing other languages can not be tolerated.

All such topics are foolish provocations and not intellectual debates. The Romance speaker’s contribution to this forum is mainly IMBECILIC SPAM and LINGUISTIC BASHING. SHAME ON YOU! As a conclusion, your "ROMANCE" education must be very precarious, and you just tagged yourselves as professional idiots.

Notice to moderator: please allow this topic to be read
Guest   Wed Nov 08, 2006 2:21 am GMT
Guest   Wed Nov 08, 2006 2:28 am GMT
los idiomas slavic son los mas horrible que puede haber antes de los idiomas asiaticos. la mirada puesta sobre esas lenguas so es sorpresa para muchos ya que esas lenguas son burla para muchos, pedon, pero es mi opinion
Ion   Wed Nov 08, 2006 5:10 am GMT
The contestants of Slavic languages obviously need to study them. These languages are not OK, they are wonderful..

A story told in Russian, doesn't find comparison in any other language. Songs sung by Bielo Dugme (In Serbian) are also, wonderful; reading the Polish roman in original, is fascinating, as in Czech as well...

Slavic languages are warm, very suggestive and pleasant to hear. They only need to be known. To do that is certainly challenging and that's why so many superficial people rather criticize them.

To all of you, I have only one thing to say: You have no idea how much you miss by refusing to give to the Slavic languages the deserved importance !
patrol   Wed Nov 08, 2006 6:40 am GMT
Hey Darek, The guys bashing Slavic languages are not European Latin mind you. They are the THIRD WORLD Latinos from FAVELAS and ghettos, uneducated mestizos and other crossbreed people polluting this forum. The only solution is to ignore them, they are just pathetic and primitive hungry losers from TERCER MUNDO.
Guest   Wed Nov 08, 2006 6:52 am GMT
I must add "LATIN AMERICAN" to your text, to make some corections...

"All such topics are foolish provocations and not intellectual debates. The LATIN AMERICAN Romance speaker’s contribution to this forum is mainly IMBECILIC SPAM and LINGUISTIC BASHING. SHAME ON YOU! As a conclusion, your LATIN AMERICAN "ROMANCE" education must be very precarious, and you just tagged yourselves as professional idiots."

Also look at the time, it's obvious that the LATIN AMERICANs are posting because the posting time is always in the midle of the European night - but in South America is evening.

As regarding to their education, they dont have any. Education in Third world is very expensive, and even if you got one is not recognised in the Western world.
Lolly   Wed Nov 08, 2006 5:16 pm GMT
Slavic languages sound more pleasant than some
Roman languages like Continental Portuguese, Galician or Catalan.
Guest   Wed Nov 08, 2006 5:37 pm GMT
>>All such topics are foolish provocations and not intellectual debates. The Romance speaker’s contribution to this forum is mainly IMBECILIC SPAM and LINGUISTIC BASHING. SHAME ON YOU! As a conclusion, your "ROMANCE" education must be very precarious, and you just tagged yourselves as professional idiots.<<

We had some German threads here in the forum. They were deleted or closed in spite of not having real IMBECILIC SPAM ond LINGUISTIC BASHING. The posters mainly focussed on practicing their German language skills. Yes, there were some off topic postings too, but this also occures on other threads. So, obviously, spam and linguistic bashing is tolerated, practising isn't! I don't understand that!
Kelly   Wed Nov 08, 2006 6:11 pm GMT
this forum was made for discussing foreign languages IN ENGLISH PLEASE
Guest   Wed Nov 08, 2006 6:19 pm GMT
Practising a language is more close to the intendion of Antimoon than spamming or insulting others! By the way, greg is tolerated too, even if he posts in French or German. Different measures for different people here, eh? According to your opinion, Kelly, every thread containing non English postings should be deleted? Is there a forum rule saying that every posting must be in English, even in the language section?
Calliope   Wed Nov 08, 2006 7:47 pm GMT
Brennus, it is practically impossible to discuss every language in english only. It is not just difficult, it just can't happen. English is not some universal basis of all known languages...

Anyways, I wouldn't want this thread to go down the drain as well, so let's keep to the topic... on Darek's points: personally, I like how Slavic languages sound. I find them interesting and I intend to learn one some day (then again, I intend to learn so many languages "some day" - so who knows...)

I think some people may be put off by the fact that they sound kind of harsh - although in my opinion, that goes mostly for Russian (which I still like). It's just like German, I think, which is also a harsh sounding language; either you love it, or you hate it (I love it). Then again, I am weird like that; I only hate the sound of one of the languages I have heard spoken so far, and it is a romance language, so there...

As for the "inferiority" of slavic languages - well, if they are so inferior, they should be so simplistic that any of the self-proclaimed superior smart asses should be able to learn one in a couple of months... please, do try and let us know how easy it is. I haven't had a good laugh for a while.
Antimooner since 2004   Wed Nov 08, 2006 9:40 pm GMT
I dont think Slavic languages are inferior or ugly. There are no inferior languages by the way. Just inferior antimoon posters.

the ability to speak a language makes as HUMANS. Animals dont speak. And for your general culture Slavic languages are one of the most complex indo-european languages.

Well,well, well. For me Continental Portuguese is the least pleasing Romance language.

My Latin Top is.

Italian * melodic and very pleasant
French * unique and ritmic
Argentinean Spanish *very soft and melodic with Italian influences
Romanian * strange variations but sounding like Sicilian
Brazilian Portuguese * Nice melody but too nasal
Spanish * hmm not the castilian Lisp
Catalan * Sounds like strange Portuguese
Portuguese * No way. Nasal harsh, consonants, where are the vowels ?

Serbian is a beautiful language, you should listen to serbian , is very soft and melodic and very original. Serbian is also written using both Cyrillic and the Latin alphabet. Polish is also a nice language with a very suave intonation.

Germanic languages are very interesting as well, German is very clear , crisp and rithmic.

People that consider some languages inferior, are people very insecure and inferior. I am not surprised that they are posting from (third world) where the educational sistem is very expensive and they live in a illiterate society of coruption and poverty.

No language or people are inferior. The only inferior thing is their education, mentality and behaviour.
Arthur   Thu Nov 09, 2006 2:09 am GMT
Hi Darek,

My mother tongue is Spanish, and I am Latinamerican. I will take for granted that you are not generalizing in blaming all Latinamericans who participate in this forum for the negative opinion on Slavic languages, even if there is a sad tendency for these languages to be criticized by mostly Latinamericans (together with other Romance language speakers).

This been said, I will try to express a more general point of view, from a Spanish speaker perspective, especially from Latinamerica, where Spanish pronountiation is a bit softer than in Spain.

Now, some facts:
1) Spanish vowel system, even if quite simple in comparison with English, plays a heavy role in the construction of the words and the vowels are always clear and open (this doesn't make Spanish more beautiful, don't get me wrong)
2) Spanish doesn't use many fricatives and or affricates
3) Spanish tends to avoid complex consonant clusters

So, to Spanish speakers ears, the first impression of Slavic languages, generally speaking, is rather that of a riddle, much of whisper sounds and lacking of vowels (I am not stating here that they do lack vowels at all) and the impression that they are much more difficult to encrypt phonetically than say, English or even German, the load of vowels of which is quite strong by the way, soon suppressing a bit the cliché of this language being "harsh", if you listen to it for a given period of time.

On the other hand, the exposure to this language family in Latinamerica is rather small compared to the exposure to other language families.

In my opinion, there is a wrong conception of these languages being ugly, on one hand because we are full of clichés about them, but on the other hand because their sounds appear more difficult to imitate correctly at a first sight (I should say at a first listen) than other European languages. Slavic articulation is more difficult for us.

I think this is the process by which Spanish speaking people tend to express a (yes: wrong and precipitated) negative judgement on how Slavic languages sound.

In my personal opinion, even if I am more accustomed to learning and using and listening Germanic and Romance languages, I have a lot of respect to Slavic languages, which I think to have a great power of expression, and once you get used to the different sounds, they have a pleasant and rich phonetics, including rythm and melody. Polish and Czech are the languages which I have had most contact with, and this contact has only reinforced my opinion on them. I am very curious about Bulgarian, because I have barely listened it once or twice in my life, so perhaps I will lool for some audiofiles in internet.

For me, learning any of them would be quite of a challenge, and I shame on all of those who use wrong and dumb adjectives like "inferior", "awful", etc.....
Estos malparidos ignorant   Thu Nov 09, 2006 6:36 am GMT
Slavic languages are horrible. Romance languages are the best. Germanic languages too, are good and pleasant. why do they blame Latinamericans for slavic being ugly.only cause people prefer learning Spanish at schools, doesn't mean is the latinos fault. people pick these roman languages because they are pleasant and beautiful and yes slavic languages are inferior because it's reality, they are not studied. these languages are probably going to extinc because everyone else will keep continuing learning spanish,french,english ect, and this languages are going to continue to grow and slavic languages will keep shrinking when compared.
Calliope   Thu Nov 09, 2006 6:47 am GMT
"yes slavic languages are inferior"

Like I said before, I'd love to see your superior ass try to learn one. Should be a piece of cake... right?