the correct ways(important)
i want to know thw correct ways in saying:
1- to open the internet ( open the interent) i think is wrong.
2-to ask someone abt the nature of his job (what do you work?) wrong.
3-to operate the computer( operate the coputer) wrong
4-Is the computer a devise or machine?
5-to arrange papers on a table (arrange the papers) i think its wrong
6-what is the name of the machine that we draw money from it in the street. it follows the bank?
7-what do we call the top of the house. its house of two floors and there is and extra place on the top so we can walk abt.?
To answer your questions, one at a time:
i want to know thw correct ways in saying:
1- to open the internet ( open the interent) i think is wrong.
1. OK
2-to ask someone abt the nature of his job (what do you work?) wrong.
2. What do you do? or What do you do, work wise?
3-to operate the computer( operate the coputer) wrong
4-Is the computer a devise or machine?
A computer is both a device, and a machine. A lot of people like to refer to a computer as a machine. That means that people who repair and maintain computers are called 'Engineers'. When these so called 'Engineers' install or reinstall software, the 'build' or 'rebuild' the software.
A computer is like a machine, because it is like a 'calculating machine'. It is also a device or tool, that enables you to do various jobs.
5-to arrange papers on a table (arrange the papers) i think its wrong
5. Ok
6-what is the name of the machine that we draw money from it in the street. it follows the bank?
Automated Teller Machine
or 'Hole in the Wall' machine for dispensing money
7-what do we call the top of the house. its house of two floors and there is and extra place on the top so we can walk abt.?
This is an interesting one.
Ground Floor, First Floor, Second Floor.
Plus, Loft, in the roof cavity, or roof balconey.
Sometimes, the luxury flat at the top of a block of flats is called the Penthouse.
hi Robin
thanks so much
I always read ur replies.. what a cool person u r!
<<7-what do we call the top of the house. its house of two floors and there is and extra place on the top so we can walk abt.?>>
Do you mean the attic?
Joe, I have that kind of space at the top of my house and it is called "roof". I can walk on it just for a leisure walk. Such houses are not built in America and they are normally built in subcontinent esp in India. "The attic" is a small room that is built on that space of the house.