Mxsmanic, how do you pronounce your nickname?
The pronunciation of "Mxsmanic"
Mxsmanic, how do you pronounce your nickname?
"Em-ex-ess-manic"? Thanks, Tom
Not surprizingly, I have also pondered over the pronunciation
of his pen name/nom de plume.
I think it should be MEX-manic. I don't know why. It's just shorter and easier to say.
I always assumed it was [EmEksEs"m{nIk]. That's how I always imagined it in my head. Of course I could be wrong, as before I thought of Lazar as [l@"zAr\] till he let us know he said it ["le(I)z@`]. By the way, I finally realized why I instinctively thought of it as [l@"zAr\]. I have a friend whose last name is "Lazar" and he pronounces it [l@"zAr\].
I've always said "mix-manic". What's the point of a name where you have to spell out half of it?
<<Of course I could be wrong, as before I thought of Lazar as [l@"zAr\] till he let us know he said it ["le(I)z@`].>>
Well actually it's [le(I)zAr\], rhyming with "quasar". There's pretty much only one way to pronounce your name, though. ;-)
I've read ''Mxsmanic'' the same way Jim has, probably because ''Mxs'' is not too far away from ''Max''.
Ah, well, you'll always be "la-ZAR" to me... ;)
Hmmmm. Quasar = Quasi-stellar object. Lazar = Lazy stellar object?
<<Quasar = Quasi-stellar object.
Lazar = Lazy stellar object?>> Ha ha, good one. ;-)
How about blazar? That's also a word .
<<Well actually it's [le(I)zAr\], rhyming with "quasar".>>
Oops! Thanks for clarifying on that! <<There's pretty much only one way to pronounce your name, though. ;-)>> Haha--yup. Altho it's notoriously difficult for nonnative English speakers to pronounce, having /3`/ and ending in /k/. I didn't adopt a Spanish name when I studied abroad in Argentina and I was called everything from [ki4S] (by my host mom) to [ki4(k)] to [ke4(k)].
I pronounce it Maxmanic :) And you'rI'm with ya Uriel, Lazar will always be la-ZAR!