Do you "uff" in your area?
I am curious about the geographical areas and languages using the expression "uff". I'll speculate that it must be very old since it seems widespread and we can certainly imagine a Cromagnon or even a Neanderthal going around saying "uff", "uff"...
Is it being used in your area/language? Where? How about non Western areas? Do you "uff" in China? When and how do you use it?
In Spain we use "uff". What is "uff da"?
I'm pretty sure that Norwegians say "uff da".
I'll 'uff and I'll puff and I'll blow da 'ouse in.
Do you mean "uff" in such case as "uff... I've just finished my essay" or "uff...I've been riding a bicycle and I'm so tired"?
What do you mean by "uff"? Like the English word "ooph"?
"Uff da" or "off då" is used in Norway as a very mild way of expressing pity. It has slightly infantile and feminine connotations, at least the "upperclass" variety "uff da"
I think in USA they "Uff". I ll check it
up in MN (usa) it's kinda slang for shyte
Yes, Uff da is very common in Minnesota to express a feeling of being overwhelmed.