what is the meaning of beyond and any one give the sentences using that word.
What is the meaning of 'beyond'?
Why don't you go to Google, and type in 'beyond' + definition
That will give you the meaning of 'beyond' and it will probably give you the meaning of the word in context.
Look at a Thesaurus
Just type in 'beyond' and see what comes up.
Why don't you go to Google, and type in 'beyond' + definition
That will give you the meaning of 'beyond' and it will probably give you the meaning of the word in context.
Look at a Thesaurus
Just type in 'beyond' and see what comes up.
Why is the Topic Heading 'Doubt' when it has nothing to do with the subject being discussed?
Google Search: 'Beyond' definition
Web definitions for beyond
farther along in space or time or degree; "through the valley and beyond"; "to the eighth grade but not beyond"; "will be influential in the 1990s and beyond"
wordnet.princeton.edu/perl/webwn - Definition in context
I wish I knew what a 'past participle form' was?
I dare say I could look that up:
University Writing Center
Going Beyond the Five-Paragraph Essay ยท An Essay is Like a Journey ... there is no consistent pattern for present, simple past, and past participle forms: ...
www.calstatela.edu/centers/write_cn/verbform.htm - 9k - Cached - Similar pages
Google Search: 'Beyond' definition
Web definitions for beyond
farther along in space or time or degree; "through the valley and beyond"; "to the eighth grade but not beyond"; "will be influential in the 1990s and beyond"
wordnet.princeton.edu/perl/webwn - Definition in context
I wish I knew what a 'past participle form' was?
I dare say I could look that up:
University Writing Center
Going Beyond the Five-Paragraph Essay ยท An Essay is Like a Journey ... there is no consistent pattern for present, simple past, and past participle forms: ...
www.calstatela.edu/centers/write_cn/verbform.htm - 9k - Cached - Similar pages
Past Participle Forms
Present Simple Past Past Participle
burst burst has burst
read read has read
eat eat has eat
choose chose has chosen
go went has gone
need needed has needed
I would have thought 'has eaten' would have been more appropriate.
OK, so if we add 'beyond' to this model.
beyond beyond has gone beyond
This is beyond a joke (present)
This has gone beyond a joke (simple past)
This has gone well beyond a joke (past participle)
The runner goes beyond the hill (present)
The runner has gone beyond the hill (simple past)
The runner has gone beyond the hill (past participle)
You can see I am having difficulty with this.
Present Simple Past Past Participle
burst burst has burst
read read has read
eat eat has eat
choose chose has chosen
go went has gone
need needed has needed
I would have thought 'has eaten' would have been more appropriate.
OK, so if we add 'beyond' to this model.
beyond beyond has gone beyond
This is beyond a joke (present)
This has gone beyond a joke (simple past)
This has gone well beyond a joke (past participle)
The runner goes beyond the hill (present)
The runner has gone beyond the hill (simple past)
The runner has gone beyond the hill (past participle)
You can see I am having difficulty with this.