
Lazar   Mon Sep 26, 2005 3:26 am GMT
How many syllables does each of these words have for you?









Thanks for your responses.
american nic   Mon Sep 26, 2005 3:42 am GMT
Carl 2
hurl 2
hurling 3

feel 2
feeling 2

roll 1
rolling 2

sail 2
sailing 2

pool 2
pooling 2

pile 2
piling 2
pileup 3

oil 2
oiling 2

chuckling 2
bustling 2
rattler (2 for type of snake, 3 for baby's toy)
settler (2 for someone who settled in the wild west, 3 for everyone else)
hustler 2
Uriel   Mon Sep 26, 2005 3:58 am GMT
Wow. How do you get three syllables out of "hurling"?
Rattler and settler are variable for me as well, 2 or 3. The rest are similar to nic's. ('Cept hurling: just 2)
Frances   Mon Sep 26, 2005 4:27 am GMT
Hope I'm doing this right as I don't know what a syllable is defined as in this case:

Carl 1
hurl 1
hurling 2

feel 1
feeling 2

roll 1
rolling 2

sail 2
sailing 2

pool 1
pooling 2

pile 2
piling 2
pileup 3

oil 2
oiling 3

chuckling 3 but 2 if I say it fast
bustling 2
rattler 2
settler 2
hustler 2

Thanks for your responses.
Uriel   Mon Sep 26, 2005 4:49 am GMT
I would personally define things like Carl, feel, hurl, sail, as more like one and a half syllables than two -- FILL would just have one, but there's a little rise and dip to FEEL that makes it just a smidge longer.
Tiffany   Mon Sep 26, 2005 5:02 am GMT
Carl 1
hurl 1
hurling 2

feel 1
feeling 2

roll 1
rolling 2

sail 1
sailing 2

pool 1
pooling 2

pile 1
piling 2
pileup 2

oil 2
oiling 2

chuckling 2
bustling 2
rattler 3
settler 3
hustler 2
Travis   Mon Sep 26, 2005 5:08 am GMT
Carl: 1
hurl: 1
hurling: 2

feel: 1
feeling: 2

roll: 1
rolling: 2

sail: 1
sailing: 2

pool: 1
pooling: 2

pile: 1
piling: 2

oil: 2
oiling: 2

chuckling: 3
bustling: 3 or 2
rattler: 2
settler: 2
hustler: 2
Travis   Mon Sep 26, 2005 5:17 am GMT
That should actually be:

pile: 2
piling: 2
pileup: 2
Lazar   Mon Sep 26, 2005 5:24 am GMT
Here is my own response to the quiz:

Carl: 1
hurl: 1
hurling: 2

feel: 1
feeling: 2

roll: 1
rolling: 2

sail: 1
sailing: 2

pool: 1
pooling: 1

pile: 2
piling: 3
pileup: 3

oil: 2
oiling: 3

chuckling: 3
bustling: 3
rattler: 3
settler: 3
hustler: 3

It seems that there can be quite a lot of variation in how people syllabify those words.
Lazar   Mon Sep 26, 2005 5:30 am GMT
<<pile: 2
piling: 2
pileup: 2>>

So for you, does "pile" basically have an allophonic second syllable that is elided when a vowel sound follows? In other words,

pile - [paI@l]
piling - [paIlIN]
pileup - [paIlVp]?

And if in rapid speech you were saying "a pile of", would you say [a paI l@v], with just three syllables?
Lazar   Mon Sep 26, 2005 5:32 am GMT
The post above is directed to Travis.
Lazar   Mon Sep 26, 2005 5:33 am GMT
And [a paI l@v] should be [@ paI l@v] of course. *Smacks head*
Travis   Mon Sep 26, 2005 6:29 am GMT
The matter is that my dialect still maintains a phonemic distinction between /l/ and /l=/ following phonemic diphthongs, unlike many other NAE dialects. However, this phonemic distinction is often obscured in surface forms, as it is only visible when said /l/ or /l=/ is followed in turn by another vowel. as otherwise they are both neutralized as [5=] or [l=], depending on context. Therefore, there is no elision actually going on, but rather variation in the realization of /l/ based on its environment, and consequent variation in syllabification, based on whether /l/ is realized as syllabic or not. Note that morpheme boundaries and word boundaries are irrelevant here, so you are exactly right about "a pile of". Thusly, one gets:

"pile" : /paIl/ -> ["p_haI.5=]
"piling" : /"paIlIN/ -> ["p_haI.5I~N]
"pileup" : /"paIl@p/ -> ["p_haI.5@p]
"a pile of" : formally /@ paIl @v/ -> [?@."p_haI.5@v] or more commonly /@ "paIl@/ -> [?@."p_haI.5@]
arrr   Mon Sep 26, 2005 8:26 am GMT
american nic   Mon Sep 26, 2005 10:32 pm GMT
I seem to add syllables left and right, or something... (mainly directed toward Travis) How is it possible in a rhotic accent to pronounce Carl in only one syllable? As far as hurling, I say something like her-l-ing. However, the sport curling is two syllables for me.