I want to learn Esperanto
<< to learn a language, you need buy a dictionary, a CD of language teaching, or a Professor, here you cannot learn a language...>>
I thank you kindly for your advice, however, a busy man such as myself has no time for such extravagances. I shall learn here and NOW.
sincerely yours,
Have you abandoned me, your dedicated student of Esperanto?
^^is crying^^
Thank you kindly for your attention on this matter
Mira, me gustaría enseñarte un poco ahora, pero no puedo porque tengo que preparar la cena.
Pues, no es lo que piensas. No estoy a punto de comer. Es que necesito prepararles la cena a algunos clientes.
La cena consta de un montón de Esperanto.
Por cierto, soy un profesor pero no puedes comprarme. No estoy en venta.
Pero sí puedo ayudarte con Esperanto, pero ahora la cena es lo más importante en mi vida. La cena que consta de Esperanto y un poquito de algodón de azucar.
^^is worried about Franco^^
That message was NOT ESPERANTO but another language.
Are you trying to convince me that Spanish is Esperanto? Well, I am rather taken aback. I thought that you wanted to help me learn Esperanto. Now I have decided that I will NOT bother. Instead I will learn English and Swiss.
Thanking you for your kindness and help up to and including today, but not superceding this date, the 21st February 2007 A.D.
Yours faithfully
Foregive. Give fore.
You shouldn't lose faith in Esperanto so easily. Esperanto is hope. Esperanto is the hope we all harbour deep beneath what is exposed on our countenances.
Est du varçon? - Are you a boy
That is a good phrase to know, as it's often dificult to tell the sex of Esperanto speakers. Memorise it and tell me the results. Report back, student.
By the way, the dinner I cooked for the clients was good.
Ata le proximè - Untill next time
PS> I also want to learn Swiss. Can you teach me some?
J-p.a do you know the word "demagogue"?
Learn a language isn't easy... you can't know a language in 2 days...
Franco, do you know really esperanto?
I don't think.
Haha, you spelled your name wrong, or was it a typo?
You forgot the 'i' between the 'L' and the 'a'.
Dear Lar,
You requested from me the definition of DEMAGOGUE. I have kindly enclosed the definition of aforementioned word with this message and hope that it is of some assistance to you in your quest for knowledge.
Yours sincerely
Main Entry: 1dem·a·gogue
Variant(s): also dem·a·gog /'de-m&-"gäg/
Function: noun
Etymology: Greek dEmagOgos, from dEmos people (perhaps akin to Greek daiesthai to divide) + agOgos leading, from agein to lead -- more at TIDE, AGENT
1 : a leader who makes use of popular prejudices and false claims and promises in order to gain power
2 : a leader championing the cause of the common people in ancient times
- dem·a·gogu·ery /-"gä-g(&-)rE/ noun
- dem·a·gogy /-"gä-gE, -"gä-jE, -"gO-jE/ noun
Esperanto may be hope, but I haven't much time for such things as that. I'm a busy man and time is money!
No, I am NOT a boy: I am a MAN. I might be young, but nevertheless I kindly request you regard me as the mature thinker I am fortunate to be. This is my report. I am, however, in the house of my friend at present, who is of the female variety.
Est du varçon? I would expect someone named Franco to be exactly that, but these days one simply never can tell, can one? Would you be so kind to answer my question? Make it SNAPPY as I am short of time.
You added:
PS> I also want to learn Swiss. Can you teach me some?
Certainly not. You may perceive this as impolite and obstinate. After some reflection upon the matter, you will, one would hope, realise that I have not learned the great language myself and it would be inappropriate to teach what one has not yet mastered oneself, would one not entirely agree ?
Actually, let me point out that I never intended to show you disrespect, but that the english of my post was equivocal.
In Esperanto there is not distinction made between "boy" and "man" so I was misleaded. The distincion is between "boy/man" and "child" - nisò.
Well, obviously I am also a man, a powerful man and so. I am not soiled in the hands though.
As for Swiss, I agree with your assertation. It would be unseemly for me to request you to teach me it even though you don't know it yourself as yet. So please, pardon my insolence and forgive my soul. I personally don't want to have to spend a long stretch in the Purgotory.
Good definition!
But not only (it's strange you forgot this):
Though this definition emphasizes the use of lying and falsehoods, some point out that demagogy does not require such, but that skilled demagogues often need use only special emphasis by which an uncritical listener will be led to draw the desired conclusion himself, seeding a belief that is self-reinforced rather than one based on fact or truth.
Yes learn 2 languages (german+esperanto) in 2 days is demagogic sorry...
In my messages I was just attempting to be annoying because this website is a waste of space and I wanted to discover for myself what types of people write here and how they would react to me.
A friend of mine visited this place sometimes but found that it just wasn't friendly. I don't like forums, and this one has reminded me of this fact.
My friend and I laughed a lot yesterday and today about these messages, so now she can feel calm about this place and move on.
Of course I know it's not possible learn 2 languages in 2 days ! But, you could try, it wouldn't do harm. Believing you're capable of something is the first step to achieving it :-)
j-p.a I can't believe what a trickster you are. I was so excited to get to teach you Esperanto, it was a project I was willing to take to the ends of the world, and you , you just ditch me like this??? I can't understand it? How have I wronged you so? Why have you smitten me so?
Du va a le infern ça! - Go to hell now!
There's no Esperanto native speaker since it's a developed language.
I'm sorry to say this guys, but all this is a great load of bullshit.
Kind regards
Pete from Peru
Actually, there are believed to be about 1,000 native speakers of Esperanto. This happens when a man and a woman who have different native languages but with Esperanto as their common language have children. Their children grow up speaking Esperanto.
I should also point out that, whatever language Franco is teaching, it is definitely not Esperanto.