<<I have the same /Or/ sound in all of those words.>>
Come to think about after looking at that list again, I do have /A/ rather than /O/ for ''Lauren'' and ''Lawrence''. So here's how I pronounce these words:
sore - /sOr/
thesaurus - /T@sOr@s/
dinosaur - /daIn@sOr/
centaur - /sEntOr/
Taurus - /tOr@s/
saurian - /sOri@n/
tyrannosaurus - /t@r{n@sOr@s/
aura - /Or@/
Laura - /lOr@/
Lauren - /lAr@n/
Lawrence - /lAr@ns/
Mauritania - /mOrIteIni@/
Come to think about after looking at that list again, I do have /A/ rather than /O/ for ''Lauren'' and ''Lawrence''. So here's how I pronounce these words:
sore - /sOr/
thesaurus - /T@sOr@s/
dinosaur - /daIn@sOr/
centaur - /sEntOr/
Taurus - /tOr@s/
saurian - /sOri@n/
tyrannosaurus - /t@r{n@sOr@s/
aura - /Or@/
Laura - /lOr@/
Lauren - /lAr@n/
Lawrence - /lAr@ns/
Mauritania - /mOrIteIni@/