mass, enhance, sample
Question for British native speakers:
Do you pronouce the 'a' in 'mass' like the 'a' in 'pass'?
Or is it like the 'a' in 'lass'?
What about 'enhance' and 'sample'?
How do you pronouce the 'a's?
Answer from Australian native speaker:
I pronounce the "a" in "mass" like the one in "lass" i.e. /{/. The "a"s in "enhance" and "sample" are different vowels: they are longer /{:/ like the one in "bad".
Sorry I can't speak for the British. I can't even guarantee I speak for all Aussies: this varies across the country. I can say that there is also a lot of variation in Great Britian too.
The OED lists both pronunciations for mass, with [m{s] first. For 'enhance', [InhA:ns] comes first, and for 'sample', only [sA:mpl] is listed.