The Future of Russian
What do you forsee will happen to Russian in the next 50 or so years? I looked into my cristal ball and I saw a language decimated by decreasing population and social crisis.
What do you see? Will the lack of Russian fertility ruin it or will it's resurgence in the economy counterbalance this effect?
Русский скоро исчезнет с лица мира!
Did you look in the crystal ball to see your future?? Does it include a cardboard box, a sidewalk, and a garbage can? =D
Russian is disappearing from Ukraine, that is
Russian language in Ukraine is becoming Ukranized...
in 10 years time will resemble a dialect of Ukraine and it will vanish forever
<<Did you look in the crystal ball to see your future?? Does it include a cardboard box, a sidewalk, and a garbage can? =D>>
Ha ha, it's close. Yes I do look at my own future in the crystal ball, and what I see is nothing which troubles me. Actually what I saw ded include cardboard boxes, sidewalks and garbage cans but I wasn't the one in them. The ones in them were dissidents who opposed my all-encompassing truths.
Russian loses 750000 people a year due to the low birth rate and low life expectancy of around 65 in males and a bit higher in females.
There's also the fact that a great number of Russians also are emigrating out of Russia to go live in West. Once their children become integrated into the local population they will cease to speak Russian and the numbers will dwindle still more.
Pohuj! Blin, komu nado etuy sabachaju jaziku, do pashlji ani vse ruskiji nahuj, matj tvaju!
Pizdjec, a shto padjelaesh,? Ne huja! Zajebal!
Пожалуйста, не говорите ерунду. Не говорите ругательство. Не говорите такое дерьмо. Мы рассуждаем о том, что русский язык скоро исчезнет с лица мира. Каждый год, 750000 миллионов русских умирают. В то же время многие русские покидают свою родину, чтобы не жить как животные.
Вот, об этом говорите.
do oni tam v Rosije b 3 mire bse zhivotnie, pjot vodku, bljin, i ubibaet black people i asians. Oni rasisti, matj tvaju.
yeah, one more russophobic topic
lmao Linguist what is up with people these days. How about all languages in the world vanish and we just have English survive. That'd be swell eh mate??
Agree Alba, but I doubt that English will survive, especially if China's population will be growing like it grows now and especially if their economy will grow and it will grow for sure...
This guy Franco being a real Russia-hater, speaks russian, but I see his point, he wants to insult these dying out Russians in their language: "В то же время многие русские покидают свою родину, чтобы не жить как животные." Why do you hate Russia so much?
I'm not anti-Russian, I am just realistic.
If it doesn't die out, then it will at least lose much importance.
Russian will not die. Why are you making a big deal in its population decline. It will rise again in the future. I don't believe that this is being caused by high mortality rate but rather by emmigration. In the same way the US population increase because of immigration particularly from Asian countries nowadays. Get what I mean?
kitaice - eti budushchuje ruskije :DDD
Ukrainiana, do Ukranians not like Russians?