Never have I encountered such a complex, intricate and indeed byzantine language as this. Surely it must be the most difficult language in the world to truly master?
English; surely the most Daedalian of all languages?
"Never have I encountered such a complex, intricate and indeed byzantine language as this. Surely it must be the most difficult language in the world to truly master?"
Don't flatter yourself. There are any number of "complex, intricate and indeed byzantine" languages.
And how difficult a language (any language) is to master is an entirely relative judgment.
Don't flatter yourself. There are any number of "complex, intricate and indeed byzantine" languages.
And how difficult a language (any language) is to master is an entirely relative judgment.
Oh I agree, it is without doubt the most complex and labyrinth like of all languages and especially much more so than Hungarian.
Oh no, Hungarian is much more difficult in many respects. Let´s just consider the grammar.
Adam : « Never have I ☼encountered☼ such a ☼complex☼, ☼intricate☼ and indeed ☼byzantine☼ ☼language☼ as this. ☼Surely☼ it must be the most ☼difficult☼ ☼language☼ in the world to truly ☼master☼? ».
Non, pas vraiment. Vois-tu, pour nous c'est assez simple...
Non, pas vraiment. Vois-tu, pour nous c'est assez simple...
Uhm, Adam, your English is really good... What makes English so complicated? I'd say Hungarian is way more complicated... Even German...
Shame on you Adam, for you have not listed *all* the synonyms of "complex" and thus failed to be so perfectly redundant, repetitious and indeed pleonastic.