I don't know how to learn english without translating words in my mind... I would like to talk without thinking about meaning words. What should I do?
Without translating in my mind
Patience is the key. Don't bother about speaking for a particular period of time. Let's say. One year. Just focus on reading and listening to interesting stuff and looking up words. If you want to use them then use them on forums and in emails for fixing them. In simple word, when your mind is exposed to a great deal amount of language it will automatically start thinking in the language. The key thing is patience. Don't worry about output practice too early, just observe the language in anyway possible. Read, listen, review and write in the language, and your this habit of translating words in your mind will be vanished in good time. The easy way to do it is to read easy contents and try to look up words. You will progress more rapidly. Again, patience is a key thing for any useful results.