should I learn Canadian English

Guest   Fri Oct 07, 2005 4:08 am GMT
Why not just go and live in Alabama for a few years. That should neutralize your Canadian accent--and everyone will be very impressed by your accent ;)
red   Fri Oct 07, 2005 5:28 am GMT
yes I'm American with a so-called Canadian accent.I say "eh?" which to me means "huh?"(ex: so youre going to dinner,huh?")my "out" is noticed.I picture in my mind people who laugh at accents also laugh at homeless people and handicapped people.Jumpin'!!!
Uriel   Fri Oct 07, 2005 5:32 am GMT
Well, only when the homeless and the handicapped people talk funny.
Down to basics Damian   Fri Oct 07, 2005 7:10 am GMT
**you never know if they're really serious about their nationality until you get 'em down to their skin...) **

Nowhere the pin the badges then but who cares about badges or nationality when it's a "down to the skin" situation!
Uriel   Fri Oct 07, 2005 7:07 pm GMT
I guess you can forgive them for being Canadian at that point, Damian. Briefly. Until they get dressed again. And then it's out the door, maple syrup boy!
Bubba Not   Sat Oct 08, 2005 11:40 pm GMT
I grew up in Arkansas and a lot of people said my English was substandard too. So I took pronunciation classes. Then I realized that I was only pretending to be someone else.

Speak the way you speak. There is no SUBSTANDARD English as long as you can make yourself understood. And to hell with any snob who tells you different.
andrew   Sun Oct 09, 2005 5:50 am GMT
is there even such a thing as substandard english? hell no.
you know, it's funny how many people ask me to say "out and about" and then are surprised when i don't say "oot and aboot" .... it's only the newfies that say it like that...and only a few newfies with the heavy accents. and eh is not said after every two words, it's basically just the replacement for huh
Damian in England ftb   Sun Oct 09, 2005 9:17 am GMT
**And then it's out the door, maple syrup boy! **

No way!!! He's Canadian after all...a member of the Club! :-)
Guest   Sun Oct 09, 2005 3:14 pm GMT
>> is there even such a thing as substandard english? hell no.
you know, it's funny how many people ask me to say "out and about" and then are surprised when i don't say "oot and aboot" .... it's only the newfies that say it like that...and only a few newfies with the heavy accents. and eh is not said after every two words, it's basically just the replacement for huh <<
but do you say ah-oo or uh-oo? Do you use the same vowel in 'out' as you do in 'loud'?
Uriel   Sun Oct 09, 2005 3:40 pm GMT
There's a club, Damian????
Canada Dry   Sun Oct 09, 2005 6:07 pm GMT
Shut the fuck up you fucking fucker.
Damian in SCOTLAND   Mon Oct 10, 2005 7:25 am GMT
***Shut the fuck up you fucking fucker***

Are you practising your alliteration skills or simply in need of widening your vocabulary? Maybe a humour transplant, CD.

The most mind numbingly boring dreary person with the personality of a housebrick I ever met in my life so far was some weirdo from a place called Thunder Bay...I know it's in Canada because that was about the most interesting thing the guy told me. I'm glad I had my fellow animated Scottish mates with me.

The Club, Uriel?.......erm, the same Club you lot would have been in but for a wee argie-bargie back in 1776......
Trawick   Mon Oct 10, 2005 1:45 pm GMT
It's not so much the issue that there are NO differences between Canadian and American, as much as that "WELL-SPOKEN" North American English tends to neutralize into pretty much the same thing for both countries.
Uriel   Mon Oct 10, 2005 6:37 pm GMT
Oh, THAT club!

Well, I guess that makes us the Groucho Marx of the ex-colonies -- we wouldn't want to join any club that would have us as a member!

Yup, Thunder Bay's in the Great White North, and you probably now know more about it than I do, courtesy of your housebrick.
Travis   Mon Oct 10, 2005 10:19 pm GMT
>>It's not so much the issue that there are NO differences between Canadian and American, as much as that "WELL-SPOKEN" North American English tends to neutralize into pretty much the same thing for both countries.<<

What exactly do you mean by "well-spoken"?