How do you say the following words? I have:
"dwindle" - [d_ZwIndL\=]
"dwarf" - [d_Zor\f]
"dweeb" - [d_Zib]
"dwindle" - [d_ZwIndL\=]
"dwarf" - [d_Zor\f]
"dweeb" - [d_Zib]
How do you say the following words? I have:
"dwindle" - [d_ZwIndL\=] "dwarf" - [d_Zor\f] "dweeb" - [d_Zib]
I pronounce those as ["dwInd5=], ["dwO@`f], ["dwib], with no affrication.
Does a similar thing happen for you in words that begin with "tw"?
I have [t_Sw] for "tw". [t] and [d] become [t_S] and [d_Z] before [w], [u], [U], [r\] and [r\=] for me.
<<"dwindle" - [d_ZwIndL\=]
"dwarf" - [d_Zor\f] "dweeb" - [d_Zib]>> Hello! There's no "j" in those words, so there should be no [d_Z] sound. |