Compared to other people, and no matter what you have to sell ?an idea, product, or project proposal, how would you rate your selling ability? Please mark one and briefly explain in the space provided below why you chose that answer.
Top 10% Top 25% Top 50% Bottom 50% Do not know Please explain your answer briefly:
A: 10%. I had three impressed successful experiences when I was 8 years old,14 years old and 20 years old. I am good at understanding what customers really want and always have a persuasive way of talking.
Top 10% Top 25% Top 50% Bottom 50% Do not know Please explain your answer briefly:
A: 10%. I had three impressed successful experiences when I was 8 years old,14 years old and 20 years old. I am good at understanding what customers really want and always have a persuasive way of talking.