I've noticed that my MOUTH diphthong has a fronted onset before nasals.
loud [laUd]
down [d{Un]
mouth [mEUT]
Does this occur in other varieties?
I've also noticed that my PRICE dipthong has a very back onset; I've seen it transcribed as [AI] and I'm inclined to agree. I've also noticed some variation in the use of the raised allophone. In Accents of English, Wells lists some words that have an unraised /aI/ despite a following voiceless consonant, because they are 'captured' by the following stressed syllable. For me however, they almost all have the raised allophone.
bisexual [baI"sEk.Su.Uo]
citation [s6I"te.Sn=]
hypothesis [h6I"pQ.T@.sIs]
titanic [t6I"tE@.nIk]
psychology [s6I"kQ.l@.dZi]
Cyclops ["s6I.klQps]
For those of you with Canadian Raising, which allophone do you have in these words?
loud [laUd]
down [d{Un]
mouth [mEUT]
Does this occur in other varieties?
I've also noticed that my PRICE dipthong has a very back onset; I've seen it transcribed as [AI] and I'm inclined to agree. I've also noticed some variation in the use of the raised allophone. In Accents of English, Wells lists some words that have an unraised /aI/ despite a following voiceless consonant, because they are 'captured' by the following stressed syllable. For me however, they almost all have the raised allophone.
bisexual [baI"sEk.Su.Uo]
citation [s6I"te.Sn=]
hypothesis [h6I"pQ.T@.sIs]
titanic [t6I"tE@.nIk]
psychology [s6I"kQ.l@.dZi]
Cyclops ["s6I.klQps]
For those of you with Canadian Raising, which allophone do you have in these words?