Slavic languages the most musical in Eurovision
SERBIA 2007 winner of Helskinki contest
All the former Yugoslav states participate in their slavic language
+bulgarian ethic song 5th place
The English-song-written-fashion breaks down
Ni oka da sklopim I can't close my eyes
Postelja prazna tera san The empty bed chases sleep away
A život se topi And my life is melting away
I nestaje brzo, k'o dlanom o dlan And it's disappearing quickly, in a split second
K'o razum da gubim It seems I'm losing my mind
Jer stvarnost i ne primećujem As I don't even notice reality
Još uvek te ljubim I still love you
Još uvek ti slepo verujem I still trust you blindly
K'o luda, ne znam kuda Like crazy, I don't know where to go
Ljubavi se nove bojim I'm afraid of a new love
A dane, žive rane And the days are like open wounds
Više ne brojim I don't count them anymore
Molitva, kao žar na mojim usnama je Prayer, like ardour on my lips
Molitva, mesto reči samo ime tvoje Prayer, just your name, instead of words
Nebo zna, kao ja Heaven knows, just as I do
Koliko puta sam ponovila How many times I've repeated this
To nebo zna, baš kao ja Heaven knows, just as I do
Da je ime tvoje moja jedina molitva That your name is my only prayer
Al Bogu ne mogu lagati But I can't lie to God
Sve dok se molim As long as I pray
A lažem ako kažem And I'd be lying if I said
Da te ne volim That I don't love you
Molitva, kao žar na mojim usnama je Prayer, like ardour on my lips
Molitva, mesto reči samo ime tvoje Prayer, just your name, instead of words
Nebo zna, baš kao ja Heaven knows, just as I do
Koliko puta sam ponovila How many times I've repeated this
To nebo zna, baš kao ja Heaven knows, just as I do
Da je ime tvoje moja molitva That your name is my prayer
(Molitva, molitva) (Prayer, prayer)
I nebo zna, baš kao ja And heaven knows, just as I do
Koliko puta sam ponovila How many times I've repeated this
To nebo zna, baš kao ja Heaven knows, just as I do
Da je ime tvoje moja jedina molitva That your name is my only prayer
Da je ime tvoje moja molitva
slavophile not know english language
I am from Serbia and I cant belive that Serbia won.
Whats wrong with all european people, why would thay wote for that retarded song.
The song really sucks and Marija Serifivic is definitley the uglyest girl I ever saw in Serbia, I am still not quite shor is she a women that looks like a man, or a man that looks like a women yah!
eurovision sucks!!!
most of us do speak English, but songs in English are just to plain.
Belgium was last, they sang in English.
They should have sung in French or Flemish.
Dutch song sounded better in Dutch than in English. in English it lost all of its magic.
Eurovision? Je n'y fais même plus attention.
En 1 ans Eurovision a perdu énormément d'audience en particulier dans les pays comme la France, l'Espagne, le Royaume-Uni, ou encore l'Allemagne, autant dire la majorité des européens ne font plus attention à ce concours devenu quelque peu niais.
J'ai vu le résultat des Fatals Picards (le groupe sélectionné français), et ce fut une grosse, grosse, grosse déception.
L'Allemagne 19 ème (malgrès une belle prestation), l'Espagne 20 ème (belle chorégraphie), la France 22 ème (cette fois-ci l'originalité y était), ou le Royaume uni 23 ème (un tube qui méritait peut-être mieux...) sur 24, n'oublions pas l'Italie même pas qualifiée!
C'est la majorité des Européens qui ont été déçu (300 millions de personne!).
Le système de vote est totalement injuste et dépassé, la voie de l'Andorre vaut autant que la voie de l'Allemagne!
Les anciennes républiques yougoslaves et du bloc communiste (Macédoine, Slovénie, Bosnie, Monténégro...) votèrent en masse pour les qualifiés yougoslave ou les autres pays de l'Est.
En scandinavie, par solidarité les 4 pays des vikings (plus les pays baltes) votèrent pour les qualifiés Suédois, Finlandais ou Russes, etc...
Alors ce n'est pas par pur intérêt musical que les votants ont choisi, mais par intérêt fraternel, entre voisins...
L'année dernière c'est la finlande qui gagna par magie!
Et cette année c'est l'Ukraine qui a failli gagner avec ça:
Eurovision? I don't pay it even any more attention.
In 1 the years Eurovision lost a great deal of audience in particular in "great" european countries as France, Spain, the United Kingdom, or still Germany, in other words the majority of the European don't pay any more attention on this competition become a little stupid.
I saw the result of Fatals Picards (the French selected group), and it was a big, big, big disappointment.
Germany 19th (even with a beautiful performance), Spain 20th (beautiful choreography), France 22th (this time the originality was there), or United Kingdom 23th (a tube which deserved maybe better) on 24, and Italy step qualified!
It's the majority of the Europeans who were disappointed (300 millions!).
The vote system is totally inequitable and exceeded, the way of Andorra costs as much as the way of Germany (demographically 0,07 Million against 80 Million inhabitants!).
The former Yugoslav republics and of the communist block (Macedonia, Slovenia, Bosnia, Montenegro) voted for qualified Yugoslavians or for the other Eastern European countries.
In Scandinavia, by solidarity the 4 countries of the Vikings (more the Baltic States) voted for qualified Swedish, Finnish or for Russians, etc....
Then it isn't by pure musical interest that the voters chose, but by national brotherly interest, between neighbours...
Last year it's Finland which won by the benediction of God! Hallelujah!
And this year it's Ukraine which almost won (2nd) with that:
Where is the difference between Ukrainian song and for instance Black Eyed Peas' song Let's get Retarded. I'm not talking productionwise.
Ma svaka čast majstore, ajde oladi sad.
Oh God, I can believe that Serbia won as I experienced the same thing last year when Finland had won it. They both were awful. And the man-like-woman was like a transvestite from serbia who sang the song. I think Ukraine or Turkey deserved the win, but Serbia's fucking song won just because of the politics and it occupies in the middle of the Europe. And I can't believe that we (Swedes) voted 0 for Norway, while they voted for us 12. It's a shame that we did so really, although I voted for Norway. By the way the same thing for Turkey and Armenia came to happen. Turkey voted 12 for Armenia while Armenia voted 0 for Turkey. And it is not surprising that Turkish immigrants in the Netherlands, Belgium, Germany, United Kingdom and France all voted 12 for Turkey. Turkish people in EU have fully supported their nation, that's excellent...
Dusch, Norway became eliminated after the semifinal so thats why Sweden they got 0 from Sweden and about the Eurovision as a hole it´s just crap please check out Ukraine this year and Lithuania last year, Europe has bad "musictaste" or what?
The eastern eurpean countries have absolutly ruined Eurovision because they vote for themself. Yugolsavia has divided up in 6 countries who all vote for each other. Of course, if the western countries will divide up and vote for themself they would win.
It's a pity that a fun contest about music and songs is become a manipulated by east europe politic, vote for yourself regardless how is the song, anti-west propaganda.
The serbian song was okay, much better that the most of the shit from those countries and their friends, but not my favourite at all. The little western countries don't have the opportunity because it's impossible with such vote system that they will get a place at the final.
Next year it must be :
1. Eurovision Song Contest (Western Countries only)
2. Eurovision Manipulated Politic Noise and Stupid Jokes Contest (eastern Countries only)
Poland, Hungary, Czech Republic, Israel and Greece can be in the western conetst if they would like.
Romania, Yugoslavias (all 6 of them) Moldavia, bulgaria, etc...will be in the eastern one. Maybe next year it will be 7 yugoslavia s because Bosnia and Herzegovina will divide up like Serbia from Montenegro this year.
Pauline, don't you ever vote for your own contestants? Don't you think other West-Europeans vote for themselves, too?
It seems sort of natural to me to vote for my own contestant unless he/she is absolute crap, in which case I either refuse to vote or I vote for anyone whom I like the most. I vote for those whom I like the most anyway.
I don't agree with your statement concerning the anti-west propaganda. I know loads of people who vote for their own contestant without any hidden agenda of anti-west propaganda. Of course, there might be people who are motivated by those stupid jingoistic feelings but I don't think they are the majority. Believe me.
To be perfectly honest, I'm not a fan of the Eurovision Song Contest, and that's an understatement. Usually, the few talented are outnumbered by loads of mediocre wannabes. Sadly enough, the winners hardly ever coincide with those who produce quality stuff. Besides, in my homeland it doesn't get too much propaganda, so even those who would like to vote can't as they usually miss the chance.
Hi Liz,
No, I don't vote because of what country but for the most beautiful song. This has changed because before Eurovision was fun but not now and there weren't beautiful songs only rubbish and stupid, boring noise.
West-Europeans can't vote for themself because all the immigrants from east-europe who live in west-europe make *very* many votes so that the high points from the west countries will be for the east ones.
Anyway, in this contest it's not allowed you will vote for your own country. Only in Yugoslavia it's allowed because they've split up to 6 countries. If britain would be England, wales, Scotland, North Ireland, Isle of Man, Hebrides, Channel Islands, then they can copy Yugoslavia and porbably win. If Belgium would as well, and Holland, germany the same. But this is stupid, it's better to have west /east contests.
Also, the taste and style is incompatible west -east.
Liz, I don't find that Hungary has caused some problems or ruined the Eurovision, it's this ones who've ruined it:
Romania, Yugoslavia (x 6), Moldova, Bulgaria, albania, Russia, belorus, Ukraine etc........ the ones who vote for themself & their politic friend absolutly regardless of the song or singers.
Oops...I've just caught sight of your message.
Thaks for putting us in the Western group, but I don't think it's as clear cut as you seem to think it is. You are implying that there is conspicuous correlation between corruption, stupidity, unfairness etc. and East-European countries. That would be too lop-sided a view to advocate as I'm sure you could find corrupt people in the westen countries as well. Furthermore, if you make this distinction and divide the countries officially into two groups, you'll never stop because you will surely find countries in both groups that are even more corrupt. There might be some sort of latent corruption in the western group, too. Am I right am I not?
Anyway, I would rather not qualify these "contests" (including Miss World and co.). If I did, the whole thread would immediately be deleted by our dearest moderator. For this time he would be right, though. :-)