How would you pronounce these words?
These seem to be words that are pronounced differently by individuals irrespective of accent:
often= offen or ofTen
either= Ether or Ither
Envelope= ENvelope or ONvelope
advertisement= advertissment or advertizement
often= offen
either= Ether
Envelope= ENvelope
advertisement= advertizement
I agree, they seem to just be individual preference.
You can probably add vase (vayss or vahz) to your list as well.
Same as Uriel but I say "ether" or "ither" for "either" and "long A" for vase.
often = both
either = both
envelope = both
advertisement = advertizement
vase = vayss
For me,
"often" - I can use either pronunciation
"either" - I can use either pronunciation
"envelope" - [Env@loUp] (EN-velope)
"advertisement" - [@dv3`4Ism@nt] (ad-VERTIS-ment)
"vase" - [vAz] (vahz)
I rhyme vase with face, myself.
my pronunciations:
often= ["Afn=] or ["AfIn] (so, "Ah-fin")
either= ["i:D@`] (so, "EE-ther")
Envelope= ["Anv@lop] (so, "AHN-vuh-lope")
advertisement= [{dv@`"taI:zmInt] (so, "ad-ver-TIZE-mint")
vase= [ves] (so, "vayss")
I pronounce these as:
"often" : /"OfIn/ -> ["O.fn=] or ["O.fI~n] : "AW-fin"
"either" : /"iD@`/ -> ["i:.D@`] : "EE-ther"
"envelope" : as a noun, /"Anv@lop/ -> ["A~:n.v@.5op]; as a verb, /En"vEl@p/ -> [E~n."vE:.5@p] : as a noun, "AHN-vuh-lope"; as a verb, "en-VEH-lup"
"advertisement" : /{dv@`"taIzmInt/ -> [{d.v@`."t_ha:Iz.mI~?] : "ad-vert-TIZE-mint"
"vase" : /ves/ -> [ves] : "vayss"
The latter descriptions are not meant to be accurate, and are just for people who cannot read X-SAMPA, for whatever reason.
Hmm, face and vase don't rhyme for me. I guess face is "fays" and vase is "vayz" for me then.
My pronunciations of the words are:
''often'' = /Af@n/
''either'' = /iD@`/
''envelope'' = ''EN-vuh-lope''
''advertisement'' = /{dv@`taIzmInt/ ''ad-ver-TIZE-mint''
''vase'' = /veIs/ ''vayss''
often = OFF-en
either = I-ther (non-rhotic)
envelope = ON-ve-lope (and enroute = on-root)
advertisement = ad-VERT-iss-ment (non-rhotic)
vase = vahz
What about "attorney", "journey", "learn", "lurker", "term", and "worm"?
Thanks in advance.
"attorney" [@"t_h3`ni]
"journey" ["dZ3`ni]
"learn" [l3`n]
"lurker" ["l3`k_h@`]
"term" [t_h3`m]
"worm" [w3`m]
All have the exact same "er" sound for me.