Plural In French...!

Noel   Mon May 21, 2007 11:14 pm GMT
I have a question, in French when something becomes plural is it pronounced...? for example, Les Gracons (The Boys) & L'Avocats (The Avocats) are the S's on both words pronounced...? and just as Les is a plura word for a masculine word how can it be plural for a feminine word...?
Guest   Tue May 22, 2007 2:28 am GMT
No, the S's are not pronounced (except in cases of liaison sometimes) and "les" is for both masculine and feminine plurals. "Les" (lay) is pronounced differently than "le" (luh) or "la" (lah), so that's how you can tell whens it's plural. BTW, it's "Les Avocats", and the "s" is pronounced in that case (like Z in English) because of liaison.
guest   Tue May 22, 2007 9:18 pm GMT
" le garçon " (lu garso[n]) > " les garçons " (lay garso[n]) but " les garçons ont " (lay garso[n]z_on[t]--liason: 'the boys have')

" l'avocat " (lavoca[t]); les avocats (layz_avoca[t])
greg   Tue May 22, 2007 9:52 pm GMT
« guest » : « " le garçon " (lu garso[n]) > " les garçons " (lay garso[n]) but " les garçons ont " (lay garso[n]z_on[t]--liason: 'the boys have')
" l'avocat " (lavoca[t]); les avocats (layz_avoca[t]) ».

À tous ceux qui veulent apprendre le français, surtout évitez de lire les âneries de « guest ».

Voilà ce qu'il faut retenir :

<le garçon> → /l@gaRsÕ/ (X-Sampa) = /ləgaʁsɔ̃/ (API)
<les garçons> → /legaRsÕ/ (X-Sampa) = /legaʁsɔ̃/ (API)
<les garçons ont> → /legaRsÕÕ/ (X-Sampa) = /legaʁsɔ̃ɔ̃/ (API)
<l'avocat> → /lavoka/ (X-Sampa & API)
<les avocat> → /lezavoka/ (X-Sampa & API).

Pour tout savoir sur les conventions X-Sampa & API, voyez ici : .
A-S   Wed May 23, 2007 1:04 pm GMT
<<No, the S's are not pronounced (except in cases of liaison sometimes) and "les" is for both masculine and feminine plurals. >>

The "S" aren't pronounced, right. Except if the following word start with a vowel.

Example: (X sampa)
Bas Plateau (without vowel)
Les uns (with vowel)
But there are exceptions!
Les uns et les autres

In that case the "s" between "uns" and "et" can be pronounced, but by tone and sonority concern, we avoid making it...