Future of Spanish in the United States/Some Clarifications
They are more French tahn the French themselves.
Look at the educated people in Algeria, Morocco, and Tunisia, at first you could mistake them for French until they speak Arabic. They dress like the the French and adopted their mannerism.
">And Spain is the greatest Muslim country ever, they are not only terrorist but saboteurs too, just like you BOBO.<"
Spain used to be like Dubai (U.A.E). Both show strong similarities (Spain from 900a.d.-1300a.d) in how they treat Muslims, Jews and Christians. In all fairness and equalness.
">Of all the European countries, Spain is the most likely to be overrun by the muslims since it's separated from Maghreb by a small body of water and most of all the moors have not yet forgotten the their expulsion from Iberian peninsula. Oh, I would like to see the moors revenge and annihilate those hispanic flies from this planet.<"
True, in a way. However I think Spaniards are making sure this doesn't occur once more. Haven't you heard / read (ignorant american) how they treat the Moroccans and other africans whom enter illegaly. They rather have Latin Americans come in their country and take over then be dismantled and shreded by Africa's countries or middle-easterners.
">Of all the European countries, Spain is the most likely to be overrun by the muslims since it's separated from Maghreb by a small body of water...
Well, US is not separated from Mexico at all. Despite Gibraltar stretch being only 13 km wide, it has cold and very deep waters. It is not that easy to cross the stretchwith small wooden boats, and those who arrive to spanish coasts go later to their promised land called France.