How important is class in spoken English!

Vienna   Wed Oct 12, 2005 4:23 pm GMT
BOYS [boyz] and not BOYS [boyz]

(also spelled BOYZ informally :) )
Vienna   Wed Oct 12, 2005 4:24 pm GMT
BOYS [boyz] and not BOYS [boys]

(also spelled BOYZ informally :) )
Sander   Wed Oct 12, 2005 4:31 pm GMT
(an offended Dutchman)


=>No, they haven't got...They pronounce EYES as ICE... LIES as LICE...

Dutch and Scandinavians should learn that in English final -s is normally voiced [z] (and not [s]), so EYES is read [aiz], and LIES is [laiz]... ( /ais/ and /lais/ are different words). BOYS [boys] rhymes with NOYZE [noyz] and not with VOICE [voys]... Dutch and Scandinavians are easily recognized by skipping this rule...Just buy a grammar book and learn it...Is it that difficult?! <=


I do not switch the final [s] with a [z].


=>Just buy a grammar book and learn it...Is it that difficult?! <=

"No, they haven't got" ---> No, they have not.

"noyz" ---> noise

I think you're the one that needs a grammer book.
Sander   Wed Oct 12, 2005 4:35 pm GMT

=>Dutch and Scandinavians<=

Dutch requires a preposition here, (The Dutch).
Classless Damian   Wed Oct 12, 2005 4:55 pm GMT
**How important is class in spoken English?**

Not much, if at all......thank God....but it was in the past:

Condemned by every syllable she utters
By rights, she ought to carried out and hung
For the cold-blooded murder of the English tongue…

Hear them down in Soho Square
Dropping h’s everywhere
Speaking English any way they like
Hear a Yorkshireman or worse
Hear a Cornishman converse
I’d rather hear a choir singing flat
Chickens cackling in a barn
Just like this one…Garn!
It’s Ah-oow and Garn that keep her in her place
Not her wretched clothes and dirty face…
Why can’t the English teach their children how to speak?

Poor Eliza! From Cockney sparrow to Gracious Lady at Ascot. She forgot herself and her newly exalted status at the races yelling out at the horse: "Come ahn!!...shift your bloomin' arse!"

This verbal class distinction died with Professor Higgins

(From My Fair turn from Geore Bernard Shaw's Pygmalion)