ITALIAN: Masc. & Fem. Plural & Singuler

Noel   Mon May 28, 2007 5:06 am GMT
In french you have Le & La, Spanish El & La... Italian you have for masculine Il, Lo, I, & Gli can anyone explaine how to can someone use them...? Il & Lo both used before a consonants... can anyone explain this who thing...? Thanks.
c'e di onore   Mon May 28, 2007 5:21 am GMT
A brief explanation.



"article masculine" -singular- the

il signor Conte = Mr Conte
il martedì= on Tuesdays
3000 lire il chilo = 3000 lire a kilo
mi piace il caffè = I like coffee



"article masculine" -singular- the

pronoun masculine -singular- him; cosa, animale it

non lo so = I don't know




"article masculine" -plural- the


"article masculine" -plural- the

avere gli occhi azzurri = have blue eyes

a lui = to him
a esso = to it
a loro = to them
dagli i libri = give him them the books, give the books to him/them