English, Chinese and Spanish: languages of the future

Guest   Wed May 30, 2007 12:29 am GMT
Let's have a look at where Spanish is spoken...

Equatorial Guinea, which is supposed to be one of only two countries in Africa where Spanish is spoken, French is an official language as well. Not to mention the fact that Equatorial Guinea is surrounded by Cameroon and Gabon, which are countries where French is official, and are members of La Francophonie.

Morocco, where Spanish is spoken but not official, is also a member of La Francophonie as well.

The only place in Africa where Spanish is spoken and French is not, would be the Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic, which is not even a real country and whose territory (majority of it) is administered by Morocco, which is... (see above).

Ceuta and Melilla do not count as they are autonomous communites that are administered and governed by Spain. They are socially and politically not part of Africa, but only geographically.
Same with the Canary Islands which is a Spanish province.

In the Philipines, which was part of the Spanish Empire, the Spanish language is almost extinct.
Other than the use of Spanish last names, today's generation is rarely, and if any, vaguely familiar with Spanish in favour of the native Tagalog.

Andorra, which is the only country in Europe outside Spain where Spanish is spoken, is not even a member of Hispanidad, but actually a member of La Francophonie.

Even in Spain itself, Spanish (i.e. Castillian) has to contend with Catalan.
Guest   Wed May 30, 2007 12:41 am GMT
<Andorra, which is the only country in Europe outside Spain where Spanish is spoken, is not even a member of Hispanidad, but actually a member of La Francophonie.>

Yeah, any Spanish claims to Andorra are laughable.
Guest   Wed May 30, 2007 2:42 am GMT
<<Yeah, any Spanish claims to Andorra are laughable.>>

Especially if you consider that Andorra's official language is Catalan, not Spanish... and that it's head of state is the French President and the Catalan bishop.

I don't even hate Spanish, and I do think it's a prominent language... but I hate it when its speakers exagerrate and overestimate its importance, the ones who can't accept the fact that it's still behind French on the international stage and are usually suffernig from an inferiority complex.

Some people here just cannot fathom the concept of quantity and quality... and that doesn't only apply to French versus Spanish, but is a fundemental fact of life that can be implemented to almost everything.

Would you rather own two shitty cars or one good one?
Guest   Wed May 30, 2007 3:39 am GMT
My man, I don't know who you are, but you hit that one out of the ballpark!
Guest   Wed May 30, 2007 5:55 am GMT
Here's another interesting article about the U.N. and languages:

Andrew   Wed May 30, 2007 6:49 am GMT
You are wrong about a lot of things

In the Diplomatic field, French remain as second world language because of the force of habit. Although it has less importance, it was first diplomatic language. When a language has an important role in international organizations, it is difficult to use other language. Americans needed two World Wars to become English first diplomatic language.

There are several attempts to remove the excessive role of French in UNO. For instance, Ban Ki-moon don´t speak this language, of course. If France don´t had right of veto, French woudn´t be so important, and English would be the only one language of Secretariat and almost all Organizations
Guest   Wed May 30, 2007 7:08 am GMT
In Morocco Spanish is not very important, that´s true, although a lot of Moroccan people speak Spanish. We can say the same with French. It was official language of Morocco and Algeria, and now is Arabic. French is loosing importance in North Africa.

In Andorra, Spanish is first language of the country. Andorra go to the Hispanic meetings too, disgusting Frog.

In Philippines, Spanish is recovering importance. According to several reports, there are 3 million people that speak the language as first, second or third language. For instance, Gloria M. Arroyo, President of Philippines speak Spanish perfectly.

Anyway, Spanish is FIRST LANGUAGE OF 25 COUNTRIES or states: Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador, Costa Rica, Panama, Nicaragua, Belice, New Mexico, Dominican Republic, Cuba, Puerto Rico, Spain, Andorra, Canary Islands, Equatorial Guinea, Colombia, Venezuela, Ecuador, Bolivia, Paraguay, Uruguay, Chile, Argentina, and Peru.

That is an incredible record, and it shows the strengh of this language.

And FRENCH IS FIRST LANGUAGE Of ONLY 2 COUNTRIES: France and Monaco. In all other countries is second or third language. It shows a weak power of this language.
Ornella   Wed May 30, 2007 7:43 am GMT
You are right. The importance of French depend on the importance of France, of one country. The importance of Spanish depend on 25 countries.
greg   Wed May 30, 2007 8:24 am GMT
Ornella : « The importance of French depend on the importance of France, of one country. »

Tu te trompes : les Français sont minoritaires en Francophonie.
Guest   Wed May 30, 2007 8:47 am GMT
<There are several attempts to remove the excessive role of French in UNO. For instance, Ban Ki-moon don´t speak this language, of course. If France don´t had right of veto, French woudn´t be so important, and English would be the only one language of Secretariat and almost all Organizations>

If ifs and buts were candy and nuts, everyday would be Christmas! Ban Ki-moon can't speak French very well, but he can speak it nonetheless. He has promised to improve his French language skills. Maybe if there were an important Spanish-speaking country in the world, you guys might have a veto to use to help promote your language. But you don't, so quit your bitching!

<In Morocco Spanish is not very important, that´s true, although a lot of Moroccan people speak Spanish. We can say the same with French. It was official language of Morocco and Algeria, and now is Arabic. French is loosing importance in North Africa.>

You say the same thing in every post, but it's simply not true. French remains an important language in that part of Africa, no matter how hard you protest.

<In Andorra, Spanish is first language of the country. Andorra go to the Hispanic meetings too, disgusting Frog.>

Not that it matters, because Andorra is a tiny, worthless country that should have been absorbed into France or Spain long ago, but it isn't a member of the Hispanidad.


<In Philippines, Spanish is recovering importance. According to several reports, there are 3 million people that speak the language as first, second or third language. For instance, Gloria M. Arroyo, President of Philippines speak Spanish perfectly.>

Please stop your constant lying. English is the most important language in the Phillipines, and just because a minority of people speak Spanish, doesn't mean a thing.

<Anyway, Spanish is FIRST LANGUAGE OF 25 COUNTRIES or states: Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador, Costa Rica, Panama, Nicaragua, Belice, New Mexico, Dominican Republic, Cuba, Puerto Rico, Spain, Andorra, Canary Islands, Equatorial Guinea, Colombia, Venezuela, Ecuador, Bolivia, Paraguay, Uruguay, Chile, Argentina, and Peru.

That is an incredible record, and it shows the strengh of this language.>

You've given us a laundry list of worthless countries, some are brutal dictatorships (Cuba and Venezuala), some are hemoragging population because things are so bad (Mexico). Also, there are some blatant errors on your list, like the fact that you included Andorra (see above discussion) and Belize (English is the official language). Also, you've included New Mexico, which is AN AMERICAN STATE, WHERE ENGLISH IS PRIMARILY SPOKEN.

Seriously, you are getting really desperate. It's pathetic how you've stooped to such low levels to try to prove that Spanish carries importance.

<And FRENCH IS FIRST LANGUAGE Of ONLY 2 COUNTRIES: France and Monaco. In all other countries is second or third language. It shows a weak power of this language.>

This is another blatant lie. Seriously, SAM, you are not fooling anyone. You are so full of shit it's really ridiculous.

Guest   Wed May 30, 2007 10:20 am GMT
Vamos a ver, imbecil, en primer lugar no miento. En Andorra el primer idioma es el español, el segundo el catalan y el tercero el frances en número de hablantes.

En segundo lugar Andorra va a la Comunidad de Naciones Iberoamericanas como te he dicho. Mira esta web:


En esta web, se dice que, probablemente, a estas reuniones van a ir Filipinas, Guinea Ecuatorial, Timor Oriental y Belice.

En tercer lugar, en Belice el primer idioma del pais es ya el español, si cuentas los que lo hablan como primer y segundo idioma, superando al ingles.

Por ultimo, Nuevo Mexico, que es un Estado Americano, (he escrito 25 países o estados) los hispanos son mayoría en este territorio, mamón:

El 43.6% son hispanos / latinos (de cualquier raza).
El 42.8% son blancos (europeos o descendientes de europeos).
El 1.9% son negros.
El 1.2% son asiáticos.
El resto lo conforman personas de otras razas.


En resumen, el español es el primer idioma en 25 países o estados, y el frances es el primer idioma de Francia y Monaco.

Además, el español es el segundo idioma del mundo como lengua materna y el francés es el 18


Si no estas de acuerdo, dime una web o un informe donde ponga lo contrario. Yo te pongo webs que certifican lo que digo, y tu no.
Guest   Wed May 30, 2007 5:05 pm GMT
<<Vamos a ver, imbecil, en primer lugar no miento. En Andorra el primer idioma es el español, el segundo el catalan y el tercero el frances en número de hablantes.

En segundo lugar Andorra va a la Comunidad de Naciones Iberoamericanas como te he dicho. Mira esta web:>>

Yes, dumbass, you know what that is, don't you? That's the Iberoamerican Community of Nations, which includes Portugese speaking countries! When it comes to the Hispanidad, the Spanish speaking conference, Andorra is no where to be found.

As for Androrra speaking Spanish "primarily," you're going to have to give us concrete proof.

<<En esta web, se dice que, probablemente, a estas reuniones van a ir Filipinas, Guinea Ecuatorial, Timor Oriental y Belice.>>

Again, you're talking out of your ass. In the Phillipines, English is the official language, and SPANISH IS DEAD. In Equatorial Guinea, Spanish shares official status with French. In East Timor, Spanish has no status, Portugese and Temen are official.

<<En tercer lugar, en Belice el primer idioma del pais es ya el español, si cuentas los que lo hablan como primer y segundo idioma, superando al ingles.>>

Yep, the majority of people in Belize are Hispanic. But since it's a former English colony, their language doesn't mean shit. English is the official language.

<<Por ultimo, Nuevo Mexico, que es un Estado Americano, (he escrito 25 países o estados) los hispanos son mayoría en este territorio, mamón:

El 43.6% son hispanos / latinos (de cualquier raza).
El 42.8% son blancos (europeos o descendientes de europeos).
El 1.9% son negros.
El 1.2% son asiáticos.
El resto lo conforman personas de otras razas. >>

None of that matters, and you don't get it. New Mexico is an American state, where English is the main language of culture, business, and government. The people who choose to speak Spanish and not learn English have relegated themselves to permanently being a part of the second class. THEY MUST LEARN ENGLISH OR PERISH.

<<En resumen, el español es el primer idioma en 25 países o estados, y el frances es el primer idioma de Francia y Monaco.

Además, el español es el segundo idioma del mundo como lengua materna y el francés es el 18>>

Again, you just don't get it. Spanish could be spoken in every poor, shitty country in the world, and it wouldn't matter. French may not have a lot of maternal speakers, but THE POWER OF FRENCH LIES IN THE PEOPLE WHO LEARN IT AS A SECOND LANGUAGE. That's why Spanish will never be on the level of French. Very few learn Spanish by choice.
Guest   Thu May 31, 2007 1:59 pm GMT
It looks like Sam is not willing to stop posting stupid messages in this forum.

Imagine, according to him, French is spoken in France and Monaco and the total number of French speakers to him is 80 million when the the combined population os the two is just 61 million(62 million and 25 thousand respectively).

For your information Sam, the Spanish language is breaking up into separate languages from each other. Hispanic Americans no longer speak proper Castilian but bastard Spanish which will eventually become similar to Papamiento, Chamorro, and Chavacano.

He even posted a message under the name SMITH that Spanish is number 1 in Antarctica. Spoken by whom? by the penguins, seals, and sea lions. Hahahahahahahahaha!

<<Again, you're talking out of your ass. In the Phillipines, English is the official language, and SPANISH IS DEAD. In Equatorial Guinea, Spanish shares official status with French. In East Timor, Spanish has no status, Portugese and Temen are official. >>

I've already told Sam about this but he's too stubborn to insist on what he believes which has no basis at all. He doesn't adhere to what's factual but on what he imagines.

The reason why Spanish is spoken in Andorra is because of the large number of Spanish expatriates there. But in reality, the Catlan speaking Andorrans speak French as their one and only international language not Spanish. If it happens that Catalonia is independent then they too would have been spaking French not Spanish.
Guest   Thu May 31, 2007 4:01 pm GMT
<<The reason why Spanish is spoken in Andorra is because of the large number of Spanish expatriates there>>
I don't know why people is so stubborn. What is the reason for which english is spoken in Philippines and in other countries?
why do you think that english is chosen by most people?
What is the reason for which french is spoken in other countries?
And how about other languages.
How many people speak Romance languages?
Do you think the progress of humankind depends on english,french,Chinese,spanish or any other language?
<<For your information Sam, the Spanish language is breaking up into separate languages from each other. Hispanic Americans no longer speak proper Castilian but bastard Spanish which will eventually become similar to Papamiento, Chamorro, and Chavacano.>>
You're really the best fortune-teller i've ever heard of. Anyway you may be right so the only thing i can say is:
RIMA IV : Becker
No digáis que agotado su tesoro,
De asuntos falta, enmudeció la lira:
Podrá no haber poetas; pero siempre
Habrá poesía.
Mientras las ondas de la luz al beso
Palpiten encendidas;
Mientras el sol las desgarradas nubes
De fuego y oro vista;
Mientras el aire en su regazo lleve
Perfumes y armonías,
Mientras haya en el mundo primavera,
¡Habrá poesía!
Mientras la ciencia a descubrir no alcance
Las fuentes de la vida,
Y en el mar o en el cielo haya un abismo
Que al cálculo resista;
Mientras la humanidad siempre avanzando
No sepa a dó camina;
Mientras haya un misterio para el hombre,
¡Habrá poesía!
Mientras sintamos que se alegra el alma
Sin que los labios rían;
Mientras se llora sin que el llanto acuda
A nublar la pupila;
Mientras el corazón y la cabeza
Batallando prosigan;
Mientras haya esperanzas y recuerdos,
¡Habrá poesía!
Mientras haya unos ojos que reflejen
Los ojos que los miran;
Mientras responda el labio suspirando
Al labio que suspira;
Mientras sentirse puedan en un beso
Dos almas confundidas;
Mientras exista una mujer hermosa,
¡Habrá poesía!
And i add while there is a spanish-speaking person,there will be spanish. All right, you need two.
Guest   Thu May 31, 2007 4:54 pm GMT
The ties between the French and the Catalan speaking people is similar to that between the French and Romanian. This is just my personal opinion.