<<Come to think of it, Kirk, I don't think MY D in "drive" really sounds like a D at all, as in your example:
"drive" [dr\aI:v]
Mine's more like "jrive". And it seems to happen for all my "DR-" words.>>
That's interesting. I don't have that at all, tho I do have "chr" for some of my "tr" words (about half of "tr" + vowel environments can go to "ch" for me, the other half don't).
<<Kirk, actually, in the dialect here, one can get [4] both word-finally and word-initially in words that are either followed by words starting in vowels or preceded by words ending in vowels, respectively.>>
Yeah, it's the same here, as in my "the bed is" which I wrote with [4], which obviously is word-final but followed by a vowel. Also, as you said, I can have [4] word initially when following a stressed vowel.
<<And, of course, there is the overlooked case of /t/ or /d/ following a non-vowel sonorant, which is in turn following a vowel, and preceding an unstressed vowel, where [4] is also used in most cases.>>
Oh yeah, thanks for pointing that out--that's like in "party" ["p_hAr4i].
"drive" [dr\aI:v]
Mine's more like "jrive". And it seems to happen for all my "DR-" words.>>
That's interesting. I don't have that at all, tho I do have "chr" for some of my "tr" words (about half of "tr" + vowel environments can go to "ch" for me, the other half don't).
<<Kirk, actually, in the dialect here, one can get [4] both word-finally and word-initially in words that are either followed by words starting in vowels or preceded by words ending in vowels, respectively.>>
Yeah, it's the same here, as in my "the bed is" which I wrote with [4], which obviously is word-final but followed by a vowel. Also, as you said, I can have [4] word initially when following a stressed vowel.
<<And, of course, there is the overlooked case of /t/ or /d/ following a non-vowel sonorant, which is in turn following a vowel, and preceding an unstressed vowel, where [4] is also used in most cases.>>
Oh yeah, thanks for pointing that out--that's like in "party" ["p_hAr4i].