I wondered if... (Referring to the present moment)
Based on a debate between M56 and Furry about the use of "I wondered".
Are sentences such as A speaks common, and/or part of American English usage:
A: Jake's just told me that you're having a party tonight. I wondered if I could come.
B: Yes, of course you can. I meant to invite you but I forgot.
Just use it, Bridget. Don't pay attention to Furrykef.
That sentence means that you wondered that right when you found out about it. It is implied that you still do wonder though.
>>Are sentences such as A speaks common, and/or part of American English usage:
A: Jake's just told me that you're having a party tonight. I wondered if I could come.>>
That sounds kind of weird to me. I would say:
Jake just told me that you're having a party tonight. I was wondering if I could come.
<< Just use it, Bridget. Don't pay attention to Furrykef. >>
What's with the disrespect? Do I have "crackpot" printed on my forehead now? :)
<That sounds kind of weird to me. I would say:
Jake just told me that you're having a party tonight. I was wondering if I could come. >
Do you speak American English.
I wondered if UN can play its basic role of having peace in the World.
<I wondered if UN can play its basic role of having peace in the World. >
When did you wonder? At the time of speaking that sentence or a while before?
>>Do you speak American English?>>