Using "vos" instead of "tú" in Spanish
In Chile you do use vos in certain situations.
Furthermore, the vos conjugation of the verbs in colloquial speech is spreading all over the country.
Vosotr@s is used by only 12% of native Spanish speakers.
Yes, but they are the most cultured ones.
Vos is a deterioration of the pure Castillian.
Actually vos was the noble pronoun of Castillian.
You can inform yourself by reading the history of "vos".
History is not important it is the present which matters. Yes, Castillian Spanish used to be barbarian, but it has improved and become civilised.
It would be funny to have people perceiving me as Barbarian even though I have no intention of acting like one. =)
Why is Castlian Spanish barbarian? The Spanish language was born in Northern Castile.