What is the difference between tour and journey?
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What is the difference between tour and journey?
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what is the difference between tour and journey
"Tour, journey, voyage and trip" are all semantic kissing cousins although each word has slightly different connotations. However, if you were trying to reduce a language to its simplest elements like Odgen's basic English does and a few artificial languages do, you could use a single word for all of them.
Les 4 mots indiqués par Brennus ont une même origine : l'ancien français.
An <trip> vient de AF <treper>, <triper>, <tripper> (sens : "sauter", "trépigner" & "piétiner") qui ont donné Fr <trépigner>. Les étymons français sont d'origine germanique : parenté avec le bas-allemand <trippen> & <trippeln>, le haut-allemand <trippeln> et le néerlandais <trippelen> (le sens étant "trottiner"). An <tour> de AF <tor>, <tour>, <tourn>. An <journey> de AF <journee>, <jornee>. An <voyage> de AF <voiage>, <veiage>, <veage>, <vaiage>.
A tour makes you feel cheerful, generally. A "journey" sounds solemn to me. But this is my personal opinion.