money about/ with/ on
I wonder if you could tell me how you usually express the question -
Have you got any money about you?
Do you have any money with you?
Have you any money on you?
Is there any money with you?
Give me all your money, or I'll shoot.
How much money do you got/have?
I would normally say "Do you have any money with you?". Some people say "Do you have any money on you?", but that sounds low-class to me, so I don't speak like that.
Do you have any money? is short and natural.
I think in America you'd find "on you" pretty common, but it's really colloquial. as a non-native speaker i'd stick to "with you."
"but that sounds low-class to me, so I don't speak like that."--Guest
The only person that is low-class is you moron. What is wrong w/ asking if someone has any money on them, after all people have checks, credit cards, cash or sometimes none at all? It is a perfect legitimate question b/c asking it covers all three forms of currency.
I've heard "money on you" everywhere, from ALL classes, in restaurants, fancy hotels, and from educated people, so this low-class thing is beyond me. In fact guest isn't credible at all. Cad!
<< The only person that is low-class is you moron. What is wrong w/ asking if someone has any money on them, after all people have checks, credit cards, cash or sometimes none at all? It is a perfect legitimate question b/c asking it covers all three forms of currency. >>
And that has what exactly to do with the choice between "with" and "on"?
"And that has what exactly to do with the choice between "with" and "on"?"--american
Are you kidding me? Read all the posts before responding.
Then you are an idiot for asking the question.
No, because you have still established no connection between these ideas:
1. "I would normally say 'Do you have any money with you?'. Some people say 'Do you have any money on you?', but that sounds low-class to me, so I don't speak like that."
2. "What is wrong w/ asking if someone has any money on them, after all people have checks, credit cards, cash or sometimes none at all?"
Both "Do you have any money with you?" and "Do you have any money on you?" cover those cases, because the meaning is equivalent.
- Kef
I just didn't appreciate the lower-class comment
So I'm an idiot because you can't communicate clearly?
No you are an idiot...I'm not wasting my time anymore. It must suck to have IQ of 50.