Is English more important than French in Europe?
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And if ever Catalonia and Valencia freed themselves from the Spanish rule that's the time they gonna speak French and adopt French culture.
Actually, French is popular in both Catalonia and Valencia. What I mean is if ever they get freed, they will elevate French in a status similar to that in Andorra.
Catalonian independence is stupid; Basque independence is stupider. Both will be shit countries with no influence on the international stage and forgotten around the world if not part of Spain. If that is what you want, then go for it!!
But what you also forget is that if Catalonia and Basque split from the motherland, that actually leaves us with three "shit countries." The remaining part of Spain would be about the same size and influence of a place like Uzbekistan.
<< Catalonian independence is stupid; Basque independence is stupider. Both will be shit countries with no influence on the international stage and forgotten around the world if not part of Spain. If that is what you want, then go for it!! >>
They would be much better if they join France or becomes wholly French speaking.
They would be much better if they join France or becomes wholly French speaking.
Say that to the 900 ETA's deaths innocents and civilians...
30 years ago before the ETA slips, its cause was just, the main mission was to return the democracy to the Basque people.
The ETA based itself from the destruction of the spiritual capital of the Basque country by the Nazis, Italian fascists and Franquists: Gernika.
This bombardment is considered as the first historic raid of the modern military aviation on a defenseless civil population.
1,654 dead and 889 wounded.
But Gernika is only one example, all the Spanish Basque country was deformed, as well as almost all the Spain and its big cities: Cadiz, Madrid, Almeria, Vigo, Santander, Barcelona, Bilbao...
Gernika after the bombardment:
Say that to the 900 ETA's deaths innocents and civilians...
30 years ago before the ETA slips, its cause was just, the main mission was to return the democracy to the Basque people.
The ETA based itself from the destruction of the spiritual capital of the Basque country by the Nazis, Italian fascists and Franquists: Gernika.
This bombardment is considered as the first historic raid of the modern military aviation on a defenseless civil population.
1,654 dead and 889 wounded.
But Gernika is only one example, all the Spanish Basque country was deformed, as well as almost all the Spain and its big cities: Cadiz, Madrid, Almeria, Vigo, Santander, Barcelona, Bilbao...
Gernika after the bombardment:
Basque country will never be an independent country, and it's not only because Spain would stop them. France also is not interested on it because there exists a french basque country and if their southern neighboors get independence that would be taken as an example by french basques. Then France would:
-use nuclear weapons agains spanish basque country
-invade it and annex Spanish basque country to France, imposing a centralized government and banning Basque language from public schools.
The same can be applied to Catalonia.
-use nuclear weapons agains spanish basque country
-invade it and annex Spanish basque country to France, imposing a centralized government and banning Basque language from public schools.
The same can be applied to Catalonia.
But the difference is the French Catalans and French Basque show no resistance to the French language and culture while the Basque and Catalans in Spain feel the opposite against the Spanish language and culture.
Now if Spanish Basque and Catalonia become part of France I'm so sure that they'll adopt anything that is French even if the French don't impose it to them.
Now if Spanish Basque and Catalonia become part of France I'm so sure that they'll adopt anything that is French even if the French don't impose it to them.
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