How to interpret this sentence?
She left Frances to finish her packing.
Does it mean she asked Frances to finish her packing? Or she left Frances and finished the packing herself?
I think it means something like:
"She left Frances alone so she could finish her packing without being disturbed."
She is saying that she left and Frances finished her packing
I am confused.Which interpretation is correct?
This sentence is kind of weird if you think about it long enough.
she...left...Frances - a complete thought
did she leave Frances in the house to go finish her packing, or is Frances a maid that does the packing for her.
Good question, must be taken in context though.
It can mean:
a)She was going to finish her own packing after she left Frances.
b)Frances was going to do finish her own packing after the other woman left.
c)Frances was going to finish the other woman's packing after the other woman left.
All depending on context.