Help me cover up accent
I am going to visit a English speaking country this summer and I do not want them to know where I am from. I am trying to cover up my accent as much as possible. Have I done a good enough job or is it still possible to tell where I am from? I do not want to sound like I am "from" anywhere. Please suggest ways in which I can improve it and to increase inteligibility. Which features should I change? Also you can try to guess where I am from--but I hope you won't be able to.
I find it difficult to tell where you're from, not because your pronunciation is good, but because I can't understand what you're saying.
It sounds like you're reading a text in Old English.
I understood some parts.. "that in that country lived".... "on wednesday he.. schreef on a note.." .. "I shall in the morning komme".
Sounds like a mix of Dutch, German and English.
Well, I know Old English and it definitely is not Old English.
Definitely not Old English because of "country", "note", and other French loan words.
So the consensus is that it is totally unintelligible? On a scale of 1-100 how much of it is comprehensible? Can anyone transcribe it?
Here's Guest # 2 again.
I can only get "in that city he lived", "his nama was lauer broom (?)", "On wednesday he".
Let me take a guess: You're from Southeast Asia. Vietnam?
I agree; the accents sounds Asian.
I'm not an academic, but I understood about 75% of it. Why do you want to hide your origin?
<<So the consensus is that it is totally unintelligible? On a scale of 1-100 how much of it is comprehensible? Can anyone transcribe it?>>
Can you post the text you were reading or tell us where it comes from?
>> I'm not an academic, but I understood about 75% of it <<
>> 20 <<
So, for some people it is quite comprehensible, and for others it is very incomprehensible?
This is not modern English. Yes, you sound like an Asian. Read something easy. I understood only one percent.
You are somewhere from an Asian country.
You also sound a bit Startrekish.
<<So, for some people it is quite comprehensible, and for others it is very incomprehensible?>>
Read something different. For example, how about this passage?
Please call Stella. Ask her to bring these things with her from the store: Six spoons of fresh snow peas, five thick slabs of blue cheese, and maybe a snack for her brother Bob. We also need a small plastic snake and a big toy frog for the kids. She can scoop these things into three red bags, and we will go meet her Wednesday at the train station.
If you are interested in other accents, listen to some samples here:
Post your new accent sample, because this one isn't really helping.