adapt AE/BE accent by hearing?
I hope this hasnt occured before in the forum, but I have searched a little and havent found anything.
So, I just want to inquire about this and get to know some opinions:
Would you say one can adopt the accent of a country, like British accent and/or American accent, just by watching tv programms, where this accent is spoken, or listening to radio channels, ignoring the active speaking of it ?
thanks in advance
To some degree I think, but not completely. You can most definitely be influenced by an accent that way, but to adopt an accent I think you have to be around people that speak it, and speak yourself.
English Language: I don't think you can naturally acquire an accent other than your own native one simply by watching TV programs......that would be just mimicry really in my opinion.
As has been suggested, the only way to acquire an accent of your choice is to go out and associate with native speakers of that particular area/region/country or wherever. I've never had the need or desire to do this and never current native accent (Lowland Lothian Scottish) will be with me until I dapairt.... whether I stay here in Edinburgh or go down to London or even Moreton-in-Marsh (it exists....cutesey Cotswolds!) or wherever.
Just be yourself I reckon is best.....with sufficient exposure to a local accent of English, phrases and idioms and characertistics of the relative accent will rub off on you in time.
If you want British, come to Britain (if you are able). If you want American, go to America (if you are able).
btw: It HAS occurred before in this Forum and it will re-occur again, but no's an interesting topic.
characertistics = characteristics
dapairt = depairt (means to pop your clogs)
Most native English speakers can speak in several accents. Few, however, would dare to travel to an area and attempt to put on the local accent. The locals would soon see through the masquerade and, no doubt, apply a force from a booted foot to the imposter's head!!
So, in short, yes you can learn accents from TV and film which may convince many people outside of the area. It's unlikely that you could fool a local tho'.
Hmm... what if you're from a place like Hong Kong and you went to an international school and had teachers and classmates from England, Scotland, the US, Canada, Australia, and of course, locals?
Your accent would be one messy mixture!!
Yep, that's a description of my background and my accent! :-p.
So now, I'm applying to universities in the UK (Edinburgh included, as I mentioned to Damian ^^)... I wonder what the locals there will think of my accent when I get there!!
Haha, food for thought...
I wanna speak with a Scotish accent