Does such a site exists? I only know one for IPA.
Where can I listen to some X-SAMPA pronunciations?
X-SAMPA is a direct translation of the IPA to ASCII encoding, so you just have to learn the correspondences between the IPA and X-SAMPA.
Yeah, but if there's a site like I mentioned, I won't have to take the time to learn IPA. :P
I second what Guest said - X-SAMPA is simply a transliteration of IPA.
<<Yeah, but if there's a site like I mentioned, I won't have to take the time to learn IPA.>>
I really think you should learn IPA. X-SAMPA may be more common on some Internet forums like this one, but IPA is basically universal in books and academic websites.
Learning phonetics using only X-SAMPA, without IPA, would be like...learning Japanese using only kana (phonemic characters), without kanji (logographic characters). In both cases, you would know how to write stuff down, but most of the literature would remain inaccessible.
<<Yeah, but if there's a site like I mentioned, I won't have to take the time to learn IPA.>>
I really think you should learn IPA. X-SAMPA may be more common on some Internet forums like this one, but IPA is basically universal in books and academic websites.
Learning phonetics using only X-SAMPA, without IPA, would be like...learning Japanese using only kana (phonemic characters), without kanji (logographic characters). In both cases, you would know how to write stuff down, but most of the literature would remain inaccessible.
Okay, but is there a site which has SAMPA pronunciations? :P It would help me learn IPA better.
This site has IPA to X-SAMPA
These have sound samples
These have sound samples