always used to
That's correct, M56. And note this...
I never used to like...
I didn't use to like...
Both correct in their spelling.
These are not..
I never use to like...
I didn't used to like...
I never use to like...
...watching your differently personalities talk to each other, and I still don't.
Pos, sorry, I half-read M56's earlier post rather badly, and for some reason thought it was referring to writing "used to" as "use to" in general (which I have seen, and which annoys me quite a bit). And yes, I probably would write "use to" in such cases, more out of deference to orthographic conventions than anything pertaining to actual pronunciation.
(Mind you that "use to" versus "used to" is consistent with my pronunciation; I will say ["justu:] where one would write "use to" and ["jus:tu:] or ["just:u:] where one would write "used to".)
<<I never used to like...
I didn't use to like... >>
To me, and I think many others, the pronunciation remains the same in each of those spellings.
<It is better not to use "used to" in questions or negative forms; however, this is sometimes done in informal spoken English. It is better to ask questions and create negative sentences using Simple Past.>
Now that is nonsense.