Our holiday isn't for weeks yet.
what could this sentence mean?
Our holiday short or far away?
what could this sentence mean?
Our holiday short or far away?
Our holiday isn't for weeks yet.
Our holiday isn't for weeks yet.
what could this sentence mean? Our holiday short or far away?
It means it's far away: it will still be a few weeks before it's time for the holiday.
- Kef
<It means it's far away: it will still be a few weeks before it's time for the holiday. >
What function is the "yet" in that sentense?
It adds a bit of emphasis, although it isn't necessarily stressed when said aloud. The emphasis is on how much time there is until the moment arrives.
- Kef
Not to me. Emphasis isn't really redundant because it provides extra information, even if the literal meaning of the sentence may contain redundancy.
<Emphasis isn't really redundant because it provides extra information, even if the literal meaning of the sentence may contain redundancy. >
And what extra information is provided by "yet" above?
I already explained that: it emphasizes the length of time before the moment arrives. Emphasis is extra information.
To me "for weeks" expresses long duration - in the mind of the speaker. The addition of "yet" is just another example of excess.
*"Our holiday isn't for weeks yet, but later it will be for weeks."
I agree with Guest, above, it is illogical and excessive. Comes from those who don't know how to use "yet". |