Correct me if I am wrong!!
Of the following sentences, which one is grammatically correct?
(A) If you have a further question, please email me without any hesitancy.
(B) If you have a further question, please email me without any hesitation.
(C) Both (A) and (B) are correct.
(D) Neither one is correct. <Teach me the correct sentence plz.>
(A) I would greatly appreciate it if you help me.
(B) I would be greatly appreciated it if you help me.
(C) Both (A) and (B) are correct.
(D) Neither one is correct. <Teach me the correct sentence plz.>
Please educate me!
First sentence: B is almost right. I would say, "If you have any further questions..." Both of the sentences are grammatically correct as-is, but they aren't quite how these phrases are usually said, so they would sound strange.
Second sentence: A is correct. B almost sounds like the speaker would be the one being appreciated. This sentence can also be said in various other ways: "It would be greatly appreciated if you help me," or "Your help would be greatly appreciated," or "If you help me, I would greatly appreciate it," and so on.
<< "If you have any further questions, please don't hesitate to e-mail me." >>
Yes, that's probably the most common way to word it.
- Kef
For the first sentence, I agree with both "if you have any further questions, please email me without any hesitation" and "If you have any further questions, please don't hesitate to e-mail me."
For the second sentence, aside from furrykef and mjd's suggestions, one could have "I would greatly appreciate it if you helped me" or "I would greatly appreciate it if you'd help me". I should say that, at least for me, "I would greatly appreciate it if you help me" does not sound grammatical. However, this might be due to my dialect expecting the past subjunctive or "would" being used in its place rather than the present indicative here, and thus would not necessarily be applicable to dialects which do not as strongly preserve the subjunctive.
<This sentence can also be said in various other ways: "It would be greatly appreciated if you help me,">
That was why I was confused with the sentences.
So, when "I" is subject, it should be "I woudl greatly appreciate it if..."
which is active form.
Now I got it.
Thanks for correcting me, native speakers of English!
Kef and mjd
Oops I forgot to mention Travis.
Thank you Travis!
From a very cute Korean guy! =p
This isn't a dating service, Native Korean.
<< For the second sentence, aside from furrykef and mjd's suggestions, one could have "I would greatly appreciate it if you helped me" or "I would greatly appreciate it if you'd help me". I should say that, at least for me, "I would greatly appreciate it if you help me" does not sound grammatical. However, this might be due to my dialect expecting the past subjunctive or "would" being used in its place rather than the present indicative here, and thus would not necessarily be applicable to dialects which do not as strongly preserve the subjunctive. >>
Hmm, it's kind of funny that you say this, because I'm usually a stickler for using the subjunctive when appropriate (though I haven't always felt that way). But you're right: this would seem to "require" the past subjunctive, or using "would", rather than the present indicative to be strictly correct. I believe you could say "I will greatly appreciate it if you help me", though.
- Kef
"From a very cute Korean guy! =p" LOOOL what a whore