Brother and sister nonnatives, can you understand this?
"if yuo cna raed and udnresnatd tihs whtiuot ayn porbelms tehn yuo aer a fraekin geiuns!"
"if yuo cna raed and udnresnatd tihs whtiuot ayn porbelms tehn yuo aer a fraekin geiuns!"
"if yuo cna raed and udnresnatd tihs whtiuot ayn porbel
Brother and sister nonnatives, can you understand this?
"if yuo cna raed and udnresnatd tihs whtiuot ayn porbelms tehn yuo aer a fraekin geiuns!"
Oui, c'est parfaitement compréhensible pour des ***LOCUTEURS*** non-maternels. En revanche, ces phrases en français tout à fait régulières seront difficiles, voire impossibles, à comprendre par des ***NON***-locuteurs.
En d'autres termes, cela veut dire que toute scriptolangue pratiquée par un locuteur est un code visuel suffisamment fort pour être opérant même en cas d'altération (régulière → par ex. : simple commutation des lettres d'un mot sans ajout ni réduction) de ses éléments. Les signes saussuriens (signifiants ←→ signifiés) ainsi que leurs valeurs propres ne sont pas altérés : il n'y aucune paragraphie (ni sémantique, ni lexicale, ni graphémique, ni littérale, ni morphémique) dans le texte que tu as écrit. Les aspects paradigmatique & syntagmatique ne sont pas modifiés. L'œil et le cerveau surmontent aisément la difficulté présentée. En revanche la scriptolangue que j'utilise pour te répondre, quoique n'ayant subi aucune altération, demeurera incompréhensible pour la majorité des non-locuteurs du scriptofrançais : le code que j'utilise leur est (partiellement ou totalement) inconnu. Par conséquent, c'est la non-appropriation du code visuolinguistique, davantage que son altération régulière & superficielle, qui fait obstacle à la communication écrite.
Yes, I can read it. So, I'm a freakin genius then? That's not so bad.
Is it a dyslexic person's writing?
<Oui, c'est parfaitement compréhensible pour des...>
It seems quite rude to write in another language apart from English here. Am I right?
No, te has equivocado. Es completamente aceptable escribir en cualquier idioma.
I'm a native speaker, so the question wasn't addressed to me, but I'll answer anyway. The text says, "If you can read and understand this without any problems, then you are a freakin' genius!" Well, I have an above-average IQ, but I don't think it has anything to do with being able to read that. ;) Native English speakers can read it easily... it's definitely harder to read, since the brain has to work to rearrange the letters, but it is far from incomprehensible.
I wonder how easily I could read Spanish scrambled in a similar fashion. (I have no doubt it would be harder; it's a question of to what degree.) Care to test me, Franco? << No, te has equivocado. Es completamente aceptable escribir en cualquier idioma. >> (Translation: "No, you're mistaken. It's completely acceptable to write in any language.") That's not what rule 8 says. greg insists on writing in French in both forums, though, and is well aware of rule 8 (he claimed that the rule doesn't apply to him for some reason). I have no idea why it's tolerated here, and I think it shouldn't be, but nevertheless, it is... - Kef
I'm not a native speaker of English, but I was able to read it easily!
I'm not a freakin genius though =p
<I'm a native speaker, so the question wasn't addressed to me, but I'll answer anyway. The text says, "If you can read and understand this without any problems, then you are a freakin' genius!">
Why would you want to spoil the "game"? Now the question to nonnative speakers is worth nothing. At times, you natives seem to want to control everything.
Brother and sister nonnatives, forget this thread. It has now been taken over by the natives.
This is quite old to me. I read somewhere that if you alter the order of letters in words your brain can easily decode the correct words . This has nothing to do with IQ, it is related to how humans' brain works. I don't remember the exact process but when you read a word, your brain don't process letter after letter, so if you alter the position of them it can still extract the correct word.
If your brain doesn't process letter after letter, how do most of us manage to keep to the standard spellings? How come some people can't or don't do that then?
<< Why would you want to spoil the "game"? Now the question to nonnative speakers is worth nothing. >>
I presumed they'd try to figure it out before reading the thread...
In response to furrykef's request for a challenge, and Greg's and Franco's disregard for the rules:
"El rgleaemtno idncia eepsificamctnee que etsa poridibho uasr idaioms ditsotnis al inlges".
Why are you alolewd to not flolow the rlues Greg? Do you mnaiatin a retlaionsihp wtih one of the mdoeraotrs for eaxplme?