I would like to know if the word HONOURARY is used in UK and Canada?
Or it should be spelled HONORARY?
I would like to know if the word HONOURARY is used in UK and Canada?
Or it should be spelled HONORARY?
is HONOURARY acceptable spelling?
I would like to know if the word HONOURARY is used in UK and Canada? Or it should be spelled HONORARY?
yes honourary is used t=in the uk and canada. im in school now and if i were to write honorary it would count as a spelling mistake
I'm from Canada and I'd certainly never use "honourary". It's "honorary". Likewise, I would write "colour", yet "colorize" not *"colourize".
Criss is mistaken. Regardless of whether you use "honor" or "honour", the spelling "honorary" is universal in all dialects. (Look it up in the Cambridge Online Dictionary.)
As for "colo(u)ri(s/z)e", the Longman Dictionary ( http://www.ldoceonline.com/ ) says that the "u" is optional in British English.
It is normal to write honorary and colorise in British English. Note: there is no choice about honorary. There is no alternative spelling. Colorise: maybe the dictionary says colourise is an option, but that would be very much the minority choice. Arguably - and I say this as an aficionado of OED spellings - the correct British spelling is colorize.
Google results favor "colorise" over "colourise" by about 3 to 5; and the analogies of "generous, generosity" and "honour, honorary" would support "colorise".
Oh don't be silly. Colour is standard British spelling. Brits have to consciously remember to write "color" when writing raw HTML or it doesn't work. The French for "honorary" is honoraire. Actually.
It OUGHT to be HONOURARY and COLOUR, but HONORARY and COLOR if you are in America or they'll probably all stare at you.
"Honorary" and its cogantes don't use "ou" in Latin, French or any dialect of English.
Charlotte, read the thread. Honorary is the spelling in every country of the world.
So honorary it is. I doubt that colorize ,however spelt, is a word in British English; sounds like something our American friends have just made up. Surely the verb is: to colour. Can anybody give me a context for this? Language is of course evolving but the "ize" brigade do tend to get carried away!