What do you think of this guy's pronunciation?
Well, I just skimmed the site twice. It was REALLY dense.
If he just teaches "listening", I think that is okay.
My opinion? Well, if that is an example of his pronunciation, he really DOES need to come here and get a little help. I think most people can improve their accents with practice.
It would be nice to have a native speaker of Japanese in the languages forum as well.
Thanks for the reply, K.T.
Skimmed that site TWICE? As a native speaker of Japanese, I can't even imagine fully understanding a single sentence he writes. I don't know if you have noticed this, but let me tell you that the site looks dense because all he does is go all the way around the point he wants to get to and miss it eventually.
BTW, hanks for the opinion about his pronunciation.
You're a native speaker? Great! Please join us in the Languages forum sometime. We rarely have any in-depth discussion about Japanese language topics.
>he really DOES need to come here and get a little help.
I don't think he understands English well enough to understand what you're trying to tell him.
I'll second that, Adamos.
Most of the English learning sites in Japanese (that I've seen) have many errors. Why focus on this site?
I can understand his English. What's the truth here, BLT? Why so much interest in this guy? How is he different from other Japanese trying to make a few yen conveying what they know of English? Please do not make me share funny anecdotes here. That is NOT the worst English I've heard (by far).... I heard "English" in Japan that I could not recognize as such. Heck, I could do a stand-up routine on bad English presented by serious-minded teachers in Japan. Honestly, I think some of them are using textbooks from the Meiji period (if that recent)...lol!
K. T.,
Thanks for the reply.
I just want to prove that this guy doesn't qualify for what he is pretending to be like. He's not just mistaken or unskilled K. T.. He's trying to cheat learners. Wouldn't you feel it a pity if a serious English learner happens to be taught by this guy? You yourself, K. T., said that he NEEDED HELP, didn't you?
BTW, I can't post anything on the Language forum. My browser doesn't show the posting window for some reason. Do you have any idea why?
I had trouble with Antimoon about a month ago. I didn't have any trouble today. Click "home" on the top of the page and then choose "languages" to switch to the languages forum. It's in purple or magenta.
BLT, don't torture yourself. I used to hear terrible spoken English being taught by English teachers. One teacher (nice personality, though) sounded like a bee speaking in English. Another teacher told students it was okay to make mistakes in spoken English because Abraham Lincoln's parents did not speak in a grammatically correct way and after all, Lincoln was a great man. (I am not making this up; it's too outrageous to make up.)
People are making yen all over Japan with bad English. Do you remember that guy Kyosen? Type the address below for a funny NY Times article.
The article is by David E. Sanger and it's old (1993) Here is a piece of nostalgia, still true, though.
At 7 o'clock on Sunday nights, television viewers across Japan tune in to see the latest disaster to befall Hyota, a hapless Japanese traveler trying to survive in America with the English he learned in Japan's public schools. He was recently wandering the streets of Tombstone, Ariz., in search of a security guard.
"I am looking for guardo-man," he said, reaching for one of the thousands of terms Japan has borrowed from abroad and turned into something halfway between English and Japanese.
"I don't know him," answered a man eating an ice-cream cone on a park bench. A young mother, approached with the same question, clutched her baby and scurried away. A teen-ager asked if he was seeking a "gay man," and another directed him to a gardener.
By this time the studio audience of "Kyosen's Unusable English," which parodies the failure of Japan's schools to teach its students how to communicate, was roaring with nervous laughter at their countryman's plight.
Sorry for the delay.
I see your point. I have seen terrible teachers both as a student and as a teacher. And this guy is by far the worst.
Oh, well, I wish you could speak Japanese well enough to see how deplorable he is. He's almost evil. lol
BTW, which topic in the languages forum should I post in? Aren't there many topics on the Japanese language?