Do they have the same meanings?
$15 for two beers seems a little excessive/excess?
$15 for two beers seems a little excessive/excess?
what's the difference between "excessive" and &quo
Do they have the same meanings?
$15 for two beers seems a little excessive/excess?
"Excess" refers only to the part of something which is entirely unnecessary or beyond accepted limits, while "excessive" refers to the entire object as going beyond what is necessary/acceptable, but not to the extent that it should be eliminated completely, just to the extent that it should be reduced. That means that you can say "Cut off the excess rope." to convey "Cut off the part of the rope that is completely unnecessary.", but if you said "Cut off the excessive rope.", you would be wrong because that would mean to cut off the whole rope, not just reduce it's length.
In your example, you have to use "excessive" because the price is beyond what it should be, but should only be reduced to some lower positive value rather being reduced to zero. If you wanted to use "excess" in your example, you could rephrase it. For example, if you thought the price should be $10, you might say, "$15 for two beers is $5 in excess of what it should be." Keep in mind that "in excess of" is kind of a formal expression, though... |