I am NOT promoting a website.
Many months ago I posted a link here to an article I wrote about learning English which was very well received. In fact, I have had and responded to a number of emails asking questions about or thanking me for the article which has convinced me that it was of use to a number of people. I am posting the link again since it is no longer current here:
I invite anyone interested to make full use of the strategies and tips.
Best Regards,
Russell Dawson
<<I spend a great deal of time trying to figure out how to find more time for writing<<
Maybe you'd have more time for writing if you spend less time tying to figure out how to find more time for writing?
<<Guest Sat Sep 08, 2007 8:09 am GMT
Nothing new there.>>
I am sorry you felt that way but would like to thank you for taking the time to read it. What I have discovered about learning languages is that many people expect there to be a sort of magic bullet (a book, a CD, a course) that will enable them to learn rapidly.
I discovered that the best way to learn was by taking a multi-prong approach and, exactly as you suggest, people have been learning seconds languages for thousands of years so it isn't always the newest methods that are the most effective. I have attempted to collect a variety of strategies into one article. Of my nearly 90 articles, "Improving your English" remains my most popular leading me to believe that it continues to be of interest to a great many people.
Have you considered writing a better article? I am proud of the fact it is ranked #3 of 90 and would be mightily impressed were you able to overtake me in the rankings.
If you do decide to take me up on my challenge, I can recommend an article to get you started:
Best of luck,
My article: Love the language and it will love you back!
Best of luck,
Mr. Guest
I agree with you whole-heartedly, unfortunately there is a 400 character/100 word minimum so your "article" won't even make it into the rankings...
R.D. You are a happy man.