Niagara Falls and Phoenix? How come?? I would've never guessed these would be on the list. I also find it weird that Worcester's there, how would you spell it Wusta? lol
Damian in Edinburgh said:
<<And in any case, what exactly IS the correct official pronunciation for Missouri? I've heard it voiced something like "Mizzoorah" instead of "Mizzooree". Which should it be?>>
Mizzoorah is how old people from Missouri say it. I say [mIz@r\`i] but it's probably not the local pronunciation anyway.
<< And in any case, what exactly IS the correct official pronunciation for Missouri? I've heard it voiced something like "Mizzoorah" instead of "Mizzooree". Which should it be? >>
My stepfather is from there and he says "Missouri". I'm not sure where the "Missourah" pronunciation comes from, though I have heard it.
- Kef
<< And in any case, what exactly IS the correct official pronunciation for Missouri? I've heard it voiced something like "Mizzoorah" instead of "Mizzooree". Which should it be? >>
I've read that people in the southern part of the state, a region that identifies strongly with the culture of the American South, tend to give Missouri the 'ah' ending, while northern Missourians *insist* that the 'ee' ending is the correct pronunciation.
That's just another example of the stupidity of English spelling.
BTW those are the most misspelled cities in the United States NOT America.
BTW is IS "America". If you want to include other countries such as Canada or Mexico you can say "North America". If you want to talk about the people of the entire contenant you can say "North Americans". Citizens of the United States of America don't go around calling themselves "Citizens of the United States of America" they are "Americans". Get over it.