Question to french people
how different is Occitania from France ? Is the language difficult to speak for a french person ?
how culturally different the two populations are ? how are seen the northern peoples by the occitans ? it seems to me that the mediterranean culture of occitania is so different from the cold-hearted french culture. how true is it ?
Oh, be REAL. Do you expect people to answer you when you call them
I'm not a French citizen, but I can understand Occitan. I don't think it would be difficult to learn. There IS at least one self-study program to learn it.
To Languager,
I am occitan e pòdi parlar la lenga nòstra. To us northern French (los franchimands) are arrogant, well its a stereotype. There are a lot of differences inside the occitan culture but generally speaking it looks more mediterranean or pyrinean. But due to the massive mix of population for a century, a lot of distinctions are now fading away.
I plan to emigrate to Occitania, but I can't speak the language. I am afraid that people won't understand me or think ma as arrogant if I use french with them ?
do you think occitania could be one day freed from France ?
Vincent, is Occitan closer to French rather than to Spanish or is it true the inverse?
I think it's much closer to Spanish. culturally also I don't think this mediterranean people has much in common with french people ("franchimands") (who culturally more like germans).
occitania seems to me like Spain in all points of view.
Opps, I typed your nick accidentally, Vincent. My apologies.
Etant moi-même de Toulouse je sais que le français est la langue maternelle de 99% des occitans, et pas plus de 5-6% de la population peu parler occitan correctement.
Il est plutôt difficile de dire si l'occitan ressemble plus au français ou à l'espagnol...Selon moi il serait (peut-être) plus proche du catalan...
"Etant moi-même de Toulouse je sais que le français est la langue maternelle de 99% des occitans, et pas plus de 5-6% de la population peu parler occitan correctement. "
Oui, et encore tu es de Toulouse. La situation est bien plus différente de l'autre coté du Rhône. En Paca la notion d'occitanie est quasiment absente (pourquoi un Niçois irait s'identifier avec les Auvergnats et Gascons ?..) Les gens se sentent Français, point.
S'il y a ici une quelquonque identité régionale, c'est une identification purement Niçoise - n'évoquez même pas l"idée que l'on serait de la même région que les Marseillais !... Alors l' 'Occitanie' ! ... c'est un mythe entretenu par quelques gens du sud-ouest un peu rêveurs et nostalgiques d'une "occitanie" mythique" de l'époque des troubadours...
"guest", ne t"inquiète pas. Dans le sud de la France, le Français est la langue maternelle de quasiment toute la population, à l'exception des Anglais, Allemands et Hollandais qui y ont des résidences secondaires.
<< Do you think occitania could be one day freed from France ? >>
It will never happen. On the contrary the Occitans themselves are the ones who are willing to stick to French language and culture.
It's more likely that Catalonia will break free from Spain and adopt the French language and culture after that happens.