"ofen" or "often", so how newyorker pronounce it?
how do u pronounce "often"?
I'm not sure how a New Yorker might say it, but I usually pronounce it /A:fIn/, /A:f@n/ or /A:fn/.
I believe this is very common in the West half of the United States.
I believe this is very common in the West half of the United States.
I'm was born and raised in New York and I say it /A:f@n/ but I've heard people there say /O:f@n/ too.
I pronounce the 't' and I've grown up in Northern Virginia and presently live in Memphis, TN. I do however pronounce the 't' fairly soft.
Like the words: off + n
Note: Even though I lived in New York City a few months back in late 1958, and I've lived in New York state most of the time since then, I don't really have a New York City accent.
Note: Even though I lived in New York City a few months back in late 1958, and I've lived in New York state most of the time since then, I don't really have a New York City accent.
It's not wrong. I'm sure there are dialects that retain the "t" and, assuming you're a non-native speaker, it is forgiveable :-) it's not that it's wrong, it's just that's not how Standard American English speakers (or Southern American English speakers or any of the other dialects mentioned here)
Dialects that have /t/ in "often" are not retaining historical /t/, which is actually long-lost. Rather, they are modern spelling pronunciations. On that note, I myself pronounce "often" as ["Qfn=:], ["Qf1~:n], or ["Qf1~:].
Increasingly, I'm hearing more and more people pronounce the 't' in "often", especially among people who tend to use big words and over-articulate when speaking. I'm not saying that pronouncing the 't' is wrong, it's just that I feel that "often" falls in the same category of words as "soften", "fasten", "listen", "hasten", etc. It would sound odd to pronounce the 't' in those words.
I often found many British people pronounce 't' sound in 'often'.
Though I usually pronounce it 'offen', I sometimes pronouce it 'oft+en' when I want to sound fancy. lol
Same with either, I normaly pronouce it e-ther, but I sometimes pronounce it 'ai-ther'.
Though I usually pronounce it 'offen', I sometimes pronouce it 'oft+en' when I want to sound fancy. lol
Same with either, I normaly pronouce it e-ther, but I sometimes pronounce it 'ai-ther'.