How do you pronounce this word? Do you pronounce it "vie-uh-lence" or more like "vie-oh-lnce"?
Violence pronunciation
I myself pronounce "violence" as ["va:I@:M\1~:nts] (for X-SAMPA transcription information, go to ), which would be closest to what you spell as "vie-uh-lence". Note that such pronunciations containing [@] ("uh") are typical of at least North American English dialects.
I pronounce "violence" - and "violet" - with two syllables: ["vaI.l@ns], ["vaI.l@t]. I don't know which pronunciation is more common in North American English; for what it's worth, lists only the trisyllabic ones, but lists both.
On a related note, does anyone pronounce "Irish" with three syllables, or an initial triphthong? Most British dictionaries that I've seen list ["aI@r\IS]; I pronounce it ["aI.r\IS].
On a related note, does anyone pronounce "Irish" with three syllables, or an initial triphthong? Most British dictionaries that I've seen list ["aI@r\IS]; I pronounce it ["aI.r\IS].
Oh, as for the quality of the medial unstressed vowel, for those who have it, every dictionary that I've seen - British or American - lists only /@/. /o/ would sound odd to me if I heard it there.
I myself have ["va:IM\1?] for "violet" and ["@:IR1S] for "Irish". The matter, though, is that the disyllabic version of "violence" is probably just due to elision, whereas the trisyllabic version of "Irish" is probably rather due to a broader application of breaking of vowels before /r/ than in most English dialects.
By the way, spanking is wrong. It wrongly teaches children that violence is the solution to problems, and that if they are angry with someone that they should be violent with them.