What would be English's influence without USA?

Guest   Fri Sep 28, 2007 7:49 am GMT
If USA spoke some other language, what would be the influence of English?

Greater or less than French, Spanish, Chinese etc?
Guest   Fri Sep 28, 2007 10:39 am GMT
If USA spoke some other language, for example, Dutch, the most important languages would be:

1. Dutch. The first language of USA.

2. Spanish. The second one

3. Chinese.

4. German

5. English

6. French

The last 3 with a similar status.
Skippy   Fri Sep 28, 2007 12:59 pm GMT
I don't know about that... I'm from the US, so naturally, I'd put "USA-Dutch" at the top of the list, but I'd say English would be in second or third due to Britain's imperial legacy (Canada, Australia, then places India and scattered throughout Africa as well). It would at least beat German, in my opinion.
Damian in London E14   Fri Sep 28, 2007 1:13 pm GMT
If Dutch, just for argument's sake, really had become the prime Language of the newly established USA way back and that it was Dutchmen who had become the Founding Fathers, where would that leave Canada just to the north? New Amsterdam never became New York, just for starters. It's all so hypothetical. Let's assume that historical events remained as they happened in Canada and that English (with the French element) held sway up there. Let's also assume that the rest of the British Empire, as was, developed as it did and that the English Language prospered in Australia, New Zealand, India, all the African colonies, and everywhere else which eventually became part of the British Empire (as was). That pretty much took up quite a hefty slice of territory across the globe.

A Dutch speaking United States of America certainly would have raised the status of the Dutch Language without a doubt, and who knows how much of an influence that would have had globally. With English still holding ground in those parts of the world under the control of the British, it would be interesting to surmise what turn of events would have taken place if America developed in status and power in the same way as it actually did. Would Dutch have superseded English everywhere except in the British Isles? All very interesting.

With all due respect to the Dutch, I'm happy things turned out as they did. Much as I love the Netherland.....Amsterdam, Schipol Airport departure lounge, Ijmuiden, Leiden, my mates in Geldrop, Utrecht cathedral, Gouda and Edam cheese, cafes and canals, Dutch trains and trams, the bridge at Arnhem, Alkmaar street market, ladies languishing in red lighted windows, Dutch people and their open minded forthrightness and liberal thinking, Maastricht with actual hills nearby! etc etc.....I find their Language not quite so attractive or easy on the ear! Mega guttural and throaty! Our lovely, mellifluously flowing English Language is, in my opinion at least, so much more pleasant to listen to - unless of course it's a Scouse or Glaswegian version........then it's not quite so pleasant......sorry Liverpool, sorry Glasgow...... :-)
Guest   Fri Sep 28, 2007 4:16 pm GMT
Just imagine the world had Napoleon never sold Louisiana but instead developed that territory for the greater glory of France!
guest   Fri Sep 28, 2007 4:43 pm GMT
Just imagine what the world would be like had King Harold II defeated William Duke of Normandy at the Battle of Hastings!
Guest   Fri Sep 28, 2007 4:44 pm GMT
lol what difference would there be
diaper   Fri Sep 28, 2007 5:28 pm GMT
What would have happened if Englanders never invaded the American continent?
My name   Fri Sep 28, 2007 8:28 pm GMT
Boy, that would have been quite the stunner if Dutch somehow pulled off becoming the lingua franca.
My name   Fri Sep 28, 2007 8:59 pm GMT
But it IS too vague a question. Why does the USA not speak English? If the USA isn't, what of Canada? What about the other English-speaking countries in that hemisphere? The USA is an important contributor to the influence of English, but it acquired the language just like any other British colony. If the USA is not speaking English, where ARE the English colonizing?
Guest   Fri Sep 28, 2007 10:16 pm GMT
Say, just at WWII's end, the aliens change all americans to dutch speaking, so all other English speaking countries are unaffected.

English woud be like French is now, maybe mroe powerful.

1. Canada 25 million
2. Australia 20 million
3. Britain 60 million
4. New Zealad 4 million
5. South Africa 10 million?
6. India 1 million

130 million native speakers, still a lot.
Guest   Fri Sep 28, 2007 10:39 pm GMT
English is a preeminent language thanks to US 870%) and the former UK empire (30%). So , without US English would still be an important language, probably on of the most ones, but it would be considerably weaker and on pair with Spanish and French.
Xie   Sat Sep 29, 2007 7:08 am GMT
I think both English and Dutch would be competing elsewhere outside Europe, North America and (ex)British colonies. And both would be internet languages :P

... and the younger generations elsewhere would be at least trilingual, how wonderful it is!
Guest   Sat Sep 29, 2007 7:29 am GMT
The situation is not so simple. If English were weaker, German, French, Spanish and Dutch would be stronger in Europe. And Spanish stronger in the Americas, including USA.

A lot of people would study different languages. In my opinion, it would be 5 or 6 languages on the top: Dutch, Spanish, Chinese, German, and English. Not only one universal language, like now is English.
Rodrigo   Sat Sep 29, 2007 2:56 pm GMT
I think English would be like French now. The language kept in traditional diplomacy, to read great authors, philosophers, etc. Maybe this new scenario would make our assumptions more fair, what if in the US people spoke a completely different language?